Surprise, Surprise

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Claire's point of view

"Shit," I mumble when I realize I left my charger in the hotel room.

"What is it?" Patrick asks, looking at me concerned.

"I left my charger, do you still have the key?"

He nods and hands me the key to our room. I grab it and run back from the bus into the hotel lobby and back up to our room. I was hurrying because we were late getting up to get to the busses, and I blame Patrick, him being a night owl and all.

But I also couldn't blame him completely because of what we did yesterday.

I smile to myself for a second remembering it. I won't ever forget it.

The door then opens and I run in and search frantically for my charger. I was holding everyone up but I couldn't find it.

I growl to myself in frustration as I toss things out of the way, trying to remember where I put it.

Suddenly I feel my phone go off in my pocket and I pull it out reading Pete's ID.

"Hello?" I say, agitation showing in my voice.

"Dude where are you? We need to go!" Pete shouts.

I huff and give up. It's probably hidden somewhere in my bag or maybe Patrick's.

"I'm coming," I growl, hanging up.

I turn and walk to the door, swinging it open before slamming into someone.

I try apologizing but I freeze when I see who it was.

"Claire!" Jason says excitedly.

"J-Jason.." My eyes are wide and my body goes into instant shock.

"So nice to see you after all this time. You know, I would have come sooner but eh. You seemed busy what with your mental state and all. But hey, it seems you're better, huh?"

I don't say anything. I was frozen in my spot and he just laughs.

"Come on, Claire, time to go home."

As he grabs my wrist, I finally move and jerk my hand away. His smile drops and he stares at me.

"Claire. Don't do anything you will regret."

"Exactly why I'm not going with you," I muster as much strength as I can to stand up to him.

"Yeah. Right. Stop being naive."

He goes to grab my arm, this time hard enough to leave a bruise.

I then feel my phone go off in my pocket again. This is my chance. I could tell he couldn't hear it buzzing so I reach my free hand in my pocket and press answer, but I'm sure to turn down the volume so he can't here Pete yelling on the other side.

"Please," I say, loud enough for them to hear on the phone, "stop. I just want you to leave me alone."

"Not happening, sweetie," he says sternly. He then grabs my other arm and shoves me forward so that he has his grip on both arms. "I'm not done with you. I was wrong to let you go. You're mine and mine alone. Not Patrick's. Speaking of, where is he? I may want to beat the shit out of him when we cross him," a smirk plays on his face.

"No! Please stop!"

He ignores me and keeps walking, dragging me with him.

Patrick's point of view

"Oh shit. Patrick! I think Claire's in trouble!" Pete shouts.


"Listen!" He then shoves his phone up to my ear, letting me listen to the other end.

"I was wrong to let you go. You're mine and mine alone. Not Patrick's. Speaking of, where is he? I may want to beat the shit out of him when we cross him,"  Jason's voice rings in my ears.

My heart drops as I hear Claire's cries, "No! Please stop!"

I shove past Pete and run as fast as I can into the hotel, looking everywhere.

"Can I help you sir?" a girl from the desk asks with a concerned look.

"Y-yes, have you seen a girl and a guy walk through here? Maybe she was in distress?" It was a long shot but I had to try.

"Um, no sir. Not that I know of."

I huff and turn from her, quickly running toward our room. Panic strikes me when I realize I may lose her. After I told her countless times that I wouldn't let him hurt her. The one time I let her by herself!

"Help!" I hear Claire's faint voice in the distance.

I felt a shimmer of hope spark in me when I run toward where it came from.

"Claire!" I shout at the top of my lungs.


Claire's point of view

"Patrick!" I scream for the second time before Jason covers my mouth. I scream and squirm in his grip, trying to find a way to get him to let me go.

"Stop moving!" I could tell he was getting frustrated with me as he was trying to open the back door to the hotel.

Right as he moves one of his hands to open the door, I take this as a chance to swing my body with all my might, causing him to slam against the door and shout it pain. I rip away from his grip and stumble my way up the short flight of stairs I was previously dragged on and push through a door, back into the hallway. Right as I open the door, I feel a force ram into me, making me fall back and scream. When I look to see who it is, I gasp and quickly jump in his arms.

"Patrick," I sob in his chest. He holds me tight and kisses my head a million times before pulling back and looking me in the eyes.

"Where is he?"

I try to hold back my cries as I point down the stair case, "I think I knocked him out down there."

"Okay, okay, go out to the bus, they should be waiting out there for you. Go now!" he says, pulling the rest of the way away from me.

"No! I can't leave you, he'll hurt you!"

"That's a chance I'm willing to take if it means he'll be out of your life for good, understand?" he half-shouts at me. I jump at his raised voice and nod quickly before giving him one last look and running down the hall and out into Liz' arms.

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