Having fun?

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Claire's point of view

The boys finished and walked off the stage, quickly greeting us with smiles.

"You guys were great!" Liz cheers.

"Thanks, Liz," Pete says breathlessly.

"I really need to sit down, I don't know about you guys," Joe says. Everyone laughs as we make our way back to the dressing room.

"Patrick, c-can I talk to you for a second?" I ask before we step through the door. He stops and looks at Pete and back at me. He nods at Pete to close the door and he turns to me with a look I can't really explain. It was like he was nervous and he just didn't want to make eye contact.

"Patrick, I just want to say, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for being a bitch about everything. I know I'm just some broken loser that just can't keep her negative thoughts to herself. I let you guys down all the time, and I'm sick of that. I miss us. I miss being the fun us that laughed and had fun, not sit around and be pitiful all the time."

"W-what are you saying, Claire?" I finally looks at me directly.

"I want to try to be me again. I want us to be us again, I don't like all this... Not talking like we used to stuff."

I saw Patrick's lip curl up a little before he walks over and kneels down next to me so we were eye level.

"I love you so much, Claire, you know that, right?" He whispers, grabbing my hand.

I nod and give a weak smile. He leans in and kisses me softly and slowly, giving me that electric feeling like all the times before. It felt good.

"I missed that," I laugh once we break the kiss.

He smiles and stands up, helping me through the door to have fun with the others like before.


"Patrick," I mumble, turning my head to face him. We were on the bus, pulling in to take a quick rest stop.

"Yeah?" he looks over at me.

"When we stop, I think I'll be able to walk. I have most my energy back and all..."

"Oh.. Okay," he smiles sweetly at me. He throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me closer to him as we cuddle closely on the couch. I don't know where everyone else was, probably in their bunk.

We finally pull over at a little coffee shop. Just about five miles from our destination but we wanted to get hyped up before the next concert.

Patrick slowly helps me stand from the couch and I lose a little balance at first, only because it's been a while since I've walked after the incident. I giggle at his concentration to keep me up right and we finally make it out the door, everyone waiting out there. They all clap when I come out, walking without Patrick holding. Though, he was walking directly behind me, making sure I wouldn't fall or something. My legs were a little wobbly, but not much of a problem.

"Aye, she got her legs back!" Pete shouts.

I just laugh as they all smile at me. They obviously missed this part of me.

We all slump into a corner table after getting our coffee and just joked and laughed about random stuff.

The whole time, I was having a lot of fun. I really did miss this, but I couldn't help the voice in the back of my head as I slowly faded from the conversation.

Jason's going to come back, you know it. He's going to hurt you and Patrick. You can't do anything about it.

I suddenly jerk back to reality when Patrick leans over to me and whispers, "You okay?"

"Oh- uh, yeah. Sorry, just kind of zoned out."

"Oh well, we were all wondering if you wanted to sing again on stage. Since you're feeling better, we thought it would be a good way for you to like have fun and get your mind off things," Patrick says.

I look up and realize everyone was staring at me with confused looks. I must have zoned out for a while, and when I zone out, I stare off into space and ignore everything around me.

"Yeah, sounds fun," I smile.

He smiles back and wraps his arm around me, pulling me to a side hug. He kisses me on the head and says, "Good."

I smile to myself as he releases me, letting me look back up at everyone who lost their confused looks and replaced them with smiles.

"Well we should get going, we've been here for a while," Pete says.

I couldn't help but think how fast this tour was going, they literally performed like every other day, but we only had a few shows left so I didn't really ask questions.

We all stand up and make our way back to the bus, hopping in for a fairly short ride to our destination.

I couldn't help but laugh, seeing all the guys rush out the door with smiles on their faces. I then realize how much I missed seeing the happy group of guys I came to love in the beginning.

Liz and I run after them, watching as they all shove and laugh at each other before making it to their dressing room. They all lean over and try to catch their breath once they get inside.

I smile as I walk up to Patrick and he laughs at the look on my face.

"Having fun?" I ask.

"Lots," he breathes. "Man, I'm out of shape," he drops his smile and leans over.

I frown at him. "I think you're perfect."

He chuckles at me.

"I'm serious," I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"I didn't say you weren't," he puts his hands up.

I punch his shoulder and immediately regret it when turns to me and tackles me to the floor, tickling me everywhere. I scream and laugh and cry all at once, making him giggle at me.

I couldn't move anywhere, he had me pinned down, his legs on either side of my waist and my weak arms did nothing for me except flail in every possible direction.

I eventually can't take it anymore and yell for him to stop. He listens and sits back a little, letting me breathe but he still had his body hovering over mine. I finally catch my breath and look at him smiling down at me. I smile back up at him and mumble, "I hate you."

"No you don't," he chuckles.

"You're right, I don't. I don't think anyone can hate you, you're too adorable."

"No that's all you," he says as he closes the gap between our lips, turning his head to the side, deepening it.

It didn't last long when we hear Pete clear his throat. Patrick raises off of me and helps me up.

"Don't forget we're here too," Pete chuckles.

I felt myself blush a little but I didn't care.

I was happy.

Love Yourself As Much As I Do (Patrick Stump- Fall Out Boy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now