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"Here," Joe said, tossing towels out the bus door.

We tried drying off before we got on the bus so we wouldn't drip all over it.

Once we were dry enough, we walked in and changed into dry clothes and soon enough, the driver came back and started the bus back up again.

We laid around for a few hours just chilling and every now and then crack a joke and start a conversation. I was mostly on my phone or thinking about Jason. It still sent shivers up my spine just thinking his name.

I was getting really bored again and there was probably another hour till our next stop to prepare for a show. I was tired though so I decided to waste that time taking a nap. I snuck off to my little bunk room And laid down on the bed, closing my eyes. But before I could fall asleep, I heard someone in the room. When I look up, i furrowed my eyebrows when I see Patrick.

"What are you doing?" I ask, sitting up.

"Just... Wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

"You. And how you thought I was pitying you when I called you beautiful."

Heat raised in my face again and I looked away from him.

"Uh... Why?"

"I just want to know why you thought that. I was serious when I said that you know," he says, sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Yeah.. I realize it now."

"But why didn't you realize it then?" He stares me down and I got so lost in his eyes. I could just kiss him.

But I can't.

"I don't know. Just no one ever tells me that kind of stuff and since I told you about Jason, I thought it was because of that."

"Now why would it be because of Jason? I called you beautiful because I think you are, not because I want to pity you."

Jesus this boy knows how to make you blush. I wasn't sure what to say. So I didn't say anything. I just leaned over and kissed his cheek. I saw him turn a little read but it looked like something clicked in his head and he stood up and said "Well, sleep tight," and walked out.


We finally made it to the next gig and the show was going to start in like 6 hours. We got there pretty early so we all decided to scope the scene. There wasn't much to scope thought so we all just went back to the Fall Out Boy dressing room.

"Dude this is so cool," Joe says as he sits on a leopard pattern couch.

"What is that doing here?" Liz asks.

"Who cares, it's awesome," Pete says, hopping beside Joe.

I sat back and watched the others laugh it away, just like normal. But it didn't take long for Liz to ask me to come to the bathroom with her.

"I don't know where it is, Claire pleaseee."

"Fine! Okay," I whine.

We walk down the hallway, take a couple of turns and finally see the bathroom sign.

"Oh thank god," she says with relief.

I walk in there with her and check my completion in the mirror. I still didn't understand why Patrick called me beautiful. It's obvious I'm not I mean look at me! I'm a wreck, inside and out.

"Hey, Claire?" Liz says, walking beside me.

I turn around to face her. "Yeah?"

"You are beautiful you know that right?"

"Uh..." I wasn't sure what to say. I smiled. "Thanks.."

She smiles back.

"Why such the sudden compliment?" I ask.

She laughs and finally says, "because the conversation you had on the bus earlier."

"You heard that?" I felt so embarrassed.

"Claire," she placed her hand on my shoulder with a smile on her face, "we all heard it."

I blush majorly and she just laughs, then we start making our way back to the room.

Not only is it embarrassing that Liz heard our conversation, but everyone? Perfect. Just perfect. I don't know what to think now. Honestly, I don't even know what Patrick's deal is. I thought he had a girlfriend anyway? Doesn't he? I mean even if he didn't this couldn't work. He's famous, I'm hardly known in my own community. Plus, we're only being dragged around on this one tour for some unknown reason. I don't know how I got here. What is even happening with my life.

Patrick's point of view

Liz and Claire were still in the bathroom while we all sat just staring off into space. We were all very tired and needed to rest before the show.

I look down at my phone and see a missed call from Elisa. There was a voicemail too so I picked the phone up to my ear to listen to it.

Hi honey! I know you're probably busy, but I couldn't wait to tell you that I'm coming to the show tonight! I had some time off work and wanted to be there and I'm bringing along a friend too. Anyway, see you soon! Love you!

I sigh and lean back into the chair.

"What is it?" Pete asks.

"Elisa is coming and she's bringing a friend," I say, in not a very perky tone.

"Well that's good, you haven't seen her for a while huh?"

I just nod.

"Who's the friend she's bringing?" He asks.

"I don't know, she didn't say," I say with some confusion in my voice. "It's probably Elizabeth or something."

"Yeah probably."

I set my phone down and we all settle back into the silence.

Love Yourself As Much As I Do (Patrick Stump- Fall Out Boy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now