Wherever You Like

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Claire's point of view

Our second to last concert was coming up in about an hour and we were all sitting around in the dressing room, warming up for the show. Since I was in the band now, I at least had to try more. I did some singing warm ups with Patrick while Pete helped Liz learn the bass and Andy and Joe talked while practicing. I can say the atmosphere was very different than before but it didn't mean that my paranoia was gone. The feeling about Jason kept getting  worse, I mean he wouldn't just vanish like that, could he?

"Ready guys?" a stage manager comes through the door. We all nod and make our way out the door and on the stage.

The crowd goes crazy as My Song's Know What You did in the Dark (Light Em Up)starts playing. We all get into it and have a great time, and I got so much good feedback from being on stage for the.. third time I think?

It wasn't until the show was over that Patrick announced I was now in the band. Everyone went crazy. I did hear a boos but I just tried to ignore it the best I could.

I glance over the crowd with a smile as we said our goodbyes. I keep gazing over everyone, taking in their faces and how happy they all looked and it made me smile brighter.

But my smile dropped completely when I saw him. In the crowd, mixed in with all the kids. How did he get in? Why is he so close? Could it be?

I felt bile rise in my throat at the thought of it. I knew this was going to happen, I knew he was going to show up again. But why now? Why when things are starting to turn around?

"Claire? Are you okay?" Joe asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I then realize I was standing on the stage, staring at Jason who was staring back at me with a blank face.

"Claire," Joe says again, snapping me out of my daze.

"Uh- I- I'm good." I look around and see the guys were already making their way off the stage.

Joe just gives me a concerned look. I try giving him a smile but it was too obviously fake. I just walk around him and toward the side stage, him following close behind. I didn't dare make eye contact with anyone. I was too terrified, to concerned for the possibility of him showing up somewhere around me.

"Claire?" Patrick says. I then realize he has been standing there for a while and I wasn't paying attention. I look up at him and his face drops when he sees the tears brimming my eyes.

"Claire what's wrong?" he whispers.

I have to tell him. I need to.

"Jason." I whisper back.

His eyes widen and he grabs me gently by the arm and pulls me with him as he walked toward the door. He waves for everyone to follow as we quickly made it out back to the bus and piled in.

"What's going on?" Pete asks once we are all in.

"Claire said she saw Jason," Patrick answered.

"What where?" Andy asks.

Everyone was staring at me but I had no energy to speak. Tears were slowly seeping from my eyes and I was trying so hard not to think too hard about it but I couldn't.

"Where, Claire," Patrick says, softly but sternly.

"In the crowd somewhere," my voice cracks, "He was toward the front."

"Well it's good you told us. We know he's here, and we can protect you," he says, pulling me into a hug. I sink into it and begin to sob, scared of what ay happen.

"We should get going. Our next show isn't for a couple days, we have to stay in a hotel tonight and tomorrow," Joe says.

"We'll keep you safe then, don't worry. We only have one more show," Patrick adds, mumbling against the top of my head.

"Okay," I whisper in his chest.

He slowly lets me go, making me mentally whine but I don't say anything. He looks me in the eyes, hands on my shoulders. "I love you, no one is going to hurt you."

I nod and wipe a tear away, giving a weak smile. He smiles back and gives me a quick kiss before turning to the others.

"We should go," he says.

Everyone agrees and we get everything ready to leave and make our way to the hotel a few states over. 


"She's sleeping, chill out," I hear Patrick whisper faintly.

"Sorry," I hear Pete whisper back. "Are you going to take her in?"

"Yeah, just get some of her stuff and help me get it to the room," Patrick answers.

At this point I was awake but didn't want to open my eyes. I suddenly feel a pair of arms snake from under me and pull me toward someone's body, and by the smell of it, I could tell it was Patrick. Now I definitely wasn't opening my eyes.

I felt as he carried me out in the cool breeze and in through the sound of sliding doors. I hear some voices from around us before I hear the ding of an elevator.

"Dang she's dead asleep," I hear Pete say.

Patrick chuckles lightly, making it hard for me not to crack a smile.

"So are the other's already in their rooms?" Patrick asks.

"Yeah, you know it's like five in the morning right?"

"Yeah, I figured. I didn't know hotels let people in this early?"

There wasn't a reply, but the sound of the elevator sliding open.

It wasn't long until I hear Pete say bye to Patrick and my back being laid down softly against a mattress. I hear Patrick sigh from the release of my weight before he lifts the covers and helps me in. Soon enough, he joins, scooting real close to me. I feel his lips press softly under my ear and I take a slow deep breath before falling back to sleep.


I turn over a little, feeling around for Patrick but find nothing.

"I'm over here, babe," I hear Patrick voice from the end of the bed.

"Babe huh? I like it," I say with my morning voice taking over.

"I love the sound of your voice, but the sound of it after you wake up, damn," he smirks.

"Someone's in a special mood," I smile a little, stretching out my arms.

"I love you, that's all," he chuckles, walking over the side of the bed. He leans down and kisses me softly, obviously not caring about morning breath. "We have today off before we leave tomorrow morning for the last concert."

I groan and roll over a little. "What about..." I trail off.

"About? Jason? It's okay, we won't let anything happen to you okay? Just don't think about him."

Well that's easier said then done, but I'll do it for Patrick. "Okay."

He smiles softly at me, "You should get up and get dressed."

I groan again and eventually roll myself out of the bed. I walk over to my things they brought in for me and pick out some clothes and clean myself up for the day.

"What was on your mind to do?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom to see him ready and sitting on the end of the bed.

"Well, I was thinking we do our own little day out. You know, just the two of us. We always have everyone else with us."

I laugh, "Alright, where to?"

"Where ever you like."

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