Chapter Fourty-Two: The Ball

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Third Person's POV:

Car after car arrives at the house in extravagant dresses and suits for the ball that Rosabella believed was a good idea.

And they did not disappoint with the drinks. Clearly most of them where stolen but no one cared as long as they were full of alcohol and tasted good.

"Wait so who's that?" Rosa asks Maddy. "That my friend is the son of the biggest Motorcycle Club in the whole of America, Jackson Jones." "Right. And who's she?" "The only child of the biggest Mexican cartel." "Right. Who's that?"

"Rosa for the love of god. Go and ask them for yourself before I smack you." Rosa looks at her friend as she disappears into the crowd.

"You must be Rosabella." A voice says from behind her. She turns around and sees a boy taking a sip of a drink that looks like vodka. "Yeah I am. Who are you?"

"Oh right of course. I'm Kaden." "Right. Kaden. Still don't know who you are." She says looking at him. "My mother is a very well known business women. You may know her. Lorella. Lorella Delatti?" Rosa looks at him for a minute before it clicks. Lorella is one of the biggest gun manufacturers in Italy. She's heard her name being mentioned quite a few times now.

"Of course. Nice to meet you Kaden." "Oh you too Rosa. It's nice to meet the girl who has undoubtedly the most power in the entire world." "Well. I don't know about the entire.." He cuts her off. "In the entire world. Not many people can have four Mafias and the court wrapped around there finger. How do you do it?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm just great." "Sure. Sure." He takes another sip of his drink. "So. Would you like to dance?" He asks and Rosa looks at him.

"No. Thanks though." She walks away for him and over to Madison once again. "You can't just leave me." Rosa whispers in her ear. "Yes I can. You have a gorgeous lover. I do not. I need a girl." Madison says looking around. "And she is gorgeous. I think I've found her. Love you." Madison kisses Rosas cheek before going over to some girl who's sat at a table.

Rosas phone begins to ring and she quickly has a look to see who it is. Roman. She walks out of the ballroom and into the corridor, where it's quieter  before answering.

"Hello?" "Hey baby. Is everything okay?" He asks. "What do you mean?" "Well you know you and Madison, are you both all right?" "Oh yeah. We're great. How's the meeting?" "Interesting very interesting."

"Good. Great even. Listen I've got to go Madison is cooking food and I don't want her to burn down the building." "Okay bye." "I love you." "I love you too Rosa." She hangs up before walking back inside the ballroom and grabbing a bottle off of the table. She opens it up and looks at Natalia who has clearly just arrived with a date and Madison talking to the girl and she just smiles.

Her life has a been a whirlwind to say the least but it's finally looking up. The world is being set right and for once she has nothing but positive influences around her. Well. Positive Mafia Influences but I guess you can't have everything.

She gets cut out of her thoughts by Madison. "Rosa meet Ana. Ana meet Rosa." She says introducing her new lady friend. "It's lovely to meet you Ana." Rosa says with a genuine smile. "You too Rosa. Why don't you come dance with us?" Ana suggests and Madison groans. "Fine." She grabs Rosas arm and pulls her onto the dance floor. All three of them are dancing to the beat when Maddy whispers in Rosas ear. "10 minutes that's it. Then me and Ana are dancing together. Alone." She says and Rosa just laughs.

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