Chapter Fourteen: Trouble

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Right now me, Luca and Damon are walking to the cafe, well there pushing me in a wheelchair, we all used to go to as a family after the twins finished school.

"My my is that Rosabella Armani I see?" I turn around to see the owner of the cafe. Victor is around 57 and is one of the loveliest person I've ever met.

"Victor! I've missed you." I wheel myself forward as he kisses my forehead. "How you doing sweetheart?"

"I'm doing ok. Healing." "Good I'm glad. You want your favourite table?" He asks making me nod quickly.

"Only the best for my favourite family. Come on. I'll get someone to start your favourite foods. Oh I'm so happy I'm throwing in my signature cookie!" He claps his hands smiling widely making me giggle.

"That isn't necessary Victor." Luca says killing the mood. "Of course it is! She's my favourite customer!" He walks off before Luca can say anything else.

Damon pushes me over to our old table and helps me hop out onto the seat. "I've missed this place." Luca smiles and sits opposite me.

"If it helps none of us have been here since you left." Luca says making me gasp.

"What! But you all loved this place!" Damon shrugs. "It wasn't the same with out you."

I smile and Victor brings out our food before leaving us too it. "So Rosa. We were wondering how your school was?" I smile and have a bite of my food.

"I love it so much Dam, they are all so lovely and so kind! All the kids are really lovely and we are all like a family considering it's a really small school with only 100 students there. It's weird because the building is sooo big but there's not that many people." He smiles at my rambling.

"Dad did think you wanted to go to a small school." Luca says. "Dad did that?" He nods.

"He wanted you to be happy Rosa. We all did I'm so sorry we failed you." I grab onto his hand. "You did not fail me in any way. If anyone failed me it would be mom. You two, no screw that everyone in our family did not fail me ok? You guys never have and never will."

"Well. This is a nice reunion." A voice says from behind us. Damon moves me behind him as casually as he can but it's quite hard as I'm in a wheelchair.

"What do you want Kelvin? Had enough sleeping around and now come back to try patronise the people who are better then you?" Luca says with a smirk making me look between him and the man I now know is Kelvin.

"Oh no of course not. I just heard that your precious little sister is back. I would be such a shame if she got taken away again." Who the fuck is this guy.

"Is that a threat because if so we're going to have a problem." Kelvin raises his hand in surrender.

"I know when I'm out numbered and it's not a threat i was just saying a lot of people have heard how the Armani family have gone soft for there sister again. We all have enemies Armani some more willing then others." He says looking Luca straight in the eye.

"Come on Rosa we're leaving." Damon starts pushing me out and I groan. "I haven't even finished my cookie!"

"I'll buy you another one just get in the car." I hop into the car and my brothers immediately get in and drive off as fast as possible. When I look back I see Kelvin looking at me with a smirk which would make anyone's skin crawl.

As soon as we get back they both rush out leaving me stuck in the car. "How the hell am I going to get out and not get in trouble. Screw trouble they left me here. And I'm talking to myself. It's official I have gone crazy." Sighing i step out the car and walk inside trying to be as natural as possible.

"Why are you walking weirdly? Oh wait. Where's your crutches or wheelchair or anything!" Cyrus shouts.

"Because I need exercise and some other excuse I haven't thought of yet. Give me a moment." He picks me up and basically storms into my dads office.

"She was walking!" "No I wasn't I was gracefully gliding across the floor." "It was definitely not graceful." I gasp. "How rude."

"Rosa you shouldn't be walking otherwise you won't be able to dance again." Heard that before. "You see uncle said the same thing but here we are! And it's fine I can walk because the cast is like an emotional support system jusstttt for my ankle instead of my feelings."

"Rosabella. If I see you on your foot one more time I will ground you do you understand." Papa says raising his voice.

"Yes Papà." I say looking down. "Damn your voice still works." Gio says and I give him my middle finger before running away.

I see Alex and I run and jump into his arms. "Woah! Hey Bambina what's going on." "I may or may not of flipped Gio off." He laughs and holds me closer.

"I won't let them get you." "Your the best." He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer.

"You little rat. Did you just give me the middle finger?" Gio shouts making me giggle and turn into Alex.

"Oh no you don't." He drags me away from Alex and picks me up. "You really thought you would get away with that? Really?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe." I say quietly but with a smirk. "Well your not." He places me on the sofa and grabs my phone before walking off.

"No! Not my phone!" I start running after him. "You take another step and your Netflix is gone as well." I immediately freeze.

"Your such an ass I swear to god Gio." I walk away and go upstairs. My foot is killing but they don't need to know that.

Once I get into my bedroom my ipad starts ringing.

"Hello?" "Rosa! I'm outside where are you?" Gabbie says. Gabbie is one of my dance friends.

"Shit. Ok give me 10 minutes." Luckily my hair is already in a ponytail. I walk into my wardrobe and put on my costume

 I walk into my wardrobe and put on my costume

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Before chucking the rest into a bag. I grab  my cast saw and carefully cut the cast off of my leg before removing the rest of the bandage. Yes I have a cast saw, I know it's weird but I break a lot of bones.

After climbing out my window I make my way down the side of the house. I grew up watching my brothers climb out so I've gotten a hang it now as well.

As soon as I hit the floor I run as fast as I physically can until I get to gabbies car.

"Took you long enough." She says with a smirk. "Drive asshole." She laughs before driving away.

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