Chapter Two: The Phone Call

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I sit looking at my watch waiting for the time slowly to go by while listening to the man infront of me explain why I need his product.

I look over to my oldest son Luciano to see him just as bored as I am. Then it occurs to me why am I sat here listening to this mans nonsense when I could be at home with my family having a nice dinner together.

I stand up making everyone look at me. "We're leaving Mr Carson can finish this." The man who's name I can't even remember starts looking nervous.

" something wrong?" I nod. "I would rather be at home with my family then listing to you rambling on so I'm leaving." Luca happily stands up and follows behind me as we walk out the building making everyone in the corridors walk away from us or looks down from the power that radiates off us both.

"Father can we send her a card?" I sigh as I step into our limo. "Take me home Fredrick." He nods and starts the car.

"We sent her one last month Luca isn't that enough." "No it's not I want to see her! I miss her and you never even mention her name! She is still our sister!"

"Don't you think I would go and get her if I could! I don't know where she is and no matter how hard I try to find her and Lucia I can't! They've disappeared! So please do not mention her!" He sighs and nods looking out the window defeated.

Looking at his disappointed face makes my heart clench. I love her more then anyone else in my life. I don't want to have a favourite child but I do. She's my only daughter and she is my favourite she always was a daddy girl. All my sons wish for her to come home. Even my step-sons but I have no right to her and normally that wouldn't stop me but I don't know where she is so it complicates things. The only way we can send letters are through a social worker but by law she can't tell us. Don't get me wrong I don't give a shit about the law but... something is stopping me from seeing her.

The boys were so over the moon when our Bella was born Luciano being the most excited because he is oldest and he was always having to deal with boys. Everyone fell in love with Rosabella the minute they saw her. She was our princess, the boys although being stubborn and not wanting to do any chores would happily help feed Rosabella or bathe her.

When Rosabella left and I remarried to Amelie my boys that I knew had gone now they were cold all the time and don't have any love towards there step-brothers or half-brother no matter how hard I try for them to connect they never did. Elijah is the best out of all of them he at least acts kindly towards his brothers but I do believe there is no hope for them to ever be true brothers.

I look outside through the window and notice how we have pulled up at the tall white gates to our mansion. As soon as Fredrick parks the car Luciano gets out and walks inside without another word.

"Hey il mio amore." My wife greets me as I step through the door. I smile and kiss her gently on the lips. "Hello mia regina."

"What's wrong with Luca? He looked upset when he walked inside." She says taking my hand and guiding me into the dining room. "He wants to send another letter to Rosa."

"It's natural baby. It's his little sister." She says rubbing my back while I nod. "I know but it's just hard." She smiles and kisses my forehead before calling the boys for dinner.

"PAPÀ!" I turn around to see my youngest child Matteo running towards me. "Hey little man." I scope him up into my arms and kiss his forehead.

"I thought you had to be at work?" "I did but I wanted to spend time with my family." He giggles and jumps down into his seat as we all sit down and our maids bring out our food.

"Dad how was the meeting?" Alexandro asks while taking a bite of pasta. "It wasn't great. I left the decision up too Javier." He nods and we all start eating.

"What's up with you?" Damon asks Luca. "Dad won't let me send another card to Rosabella." Everyone immediately goes silent.

"So why are you so grumpy?" Alex asks him and I see Luca tense. "Because she's my sister and I miss her."

"You haven't seen her in like 8 years why you getting pissed off now?" Cyrus says while rolling his eyes. "You won't get it you don't have a sister!"

"Do too! She's your sister so she's my sister as well!" Matteo shouts. "She isn't your sister! You've never met her!"

"You haven't seen her in 8 years! I've bet she's forgotten about you!" A load of chair legs are heard scraping against the floor.

"SHE HASNT FORGOTTEN US! SHE LOVES US!" Giovanni shouts and punches Cyrus in his nose thankfully not breaking it. "YOUR SUCH AN ASSHOLE!" Cyrus screams and punches Giovanni back.

Before I say anything my phone starts ringing. I get it out and it says it's the hospital.

"SHUT IT! I HAVE A PHONE CALL FROM THE HOSPITAL SO GET OVER YOUR STUPID WAYS AND LET ME LISTEN TO WHAT THIS PERSON WANTS." My biological boys all start to walk up the stairs while I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I hear a pause. "Daddy." I stand up and put a hand over my mouth. "Rosabella?" It comes out almost like a whisper but All the boys come running back down almost instantly obviously they heard.

"Yeah..." "hey Principessa how did you get my number?" I say chocking up a little. "The nurse gave it too me." "Is your mom ok?" I hear her hold in a sob.

"I'm not sure. I think she's in jail." My eyes widen. "What happened?" I say while Luca asks me to put it on loud speaker and she starts crying she passes the phone to someone.

"Hello Mr Armani this is Doctor Samuel I think it's best if you come down to the hospital." "Yeah we will be right there." "Good. Just ask reception and they will give you some directions." He hangs up after and I slowly put my phone away.

"Let's go get my daughter!" We all practically run into our cars and pull away.

Their abused, Precious BellaWhere stories live. Discover now