Chapter Thirty-One:

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I walk into my closet and see a big present box right in the middle of my closet.

It has a note on it says


I walk towards it and take off the note. I open it up and inside is a letter.


We need your help. The ball tonight is not going to end well ok? Some very bad people are going to show up and want to hurt you.

I know your wondering who I am and how did this get there well I had a secret informant put it in here last night.

You haven't actually met me yet but the girl I'm with you have met and used to be very good friends with. I only hope that you can save us.

I could've come to your dad but he has a lot going on right now which I wish I could tell you but I can't.

Just remember that no matter what your dad loves you so much and so does Emmy.

I knew you when you were a little tiny baby and I hate to say that I helped in your disappearance. I love you so much Rosabella. Help us.

Auntie Rosie."

I drop the letter. Auntie Rosie? Who in the hell is auntie Rosie? From Mamma Mia? That would be cool. Imagine that just walking to the ball and the Dynamos start singing god that would be cool. Oh wait weird box in closet ok.

I open up the box and inside is a gun, a knife and a box. I lift up the box and open it up. 

It was my old moms wedding ring inside with a little note.

'This is the most important thing. Where this tonight. It may seem stupid but this is the life or death. Keep the gun and knife under dress and be ready.'

"The fuck. Last time I checked I wasn't a fucking secret agent. Ahh man I would love to be the black widow."

"ROSA! ARE YOU OK?" I hear someone shout. "YEP JUST CHANGING!" I shout before whispering. "And becoming an agent you know everyday stuff."

I quickly get out my red dress but realise it's ugly so I grab my black dress and get changed as quickly as I can but realise I don't like it. I grab my scissors and cut a slit down the side of the dress. Perfect.

I grab the belt and clip it onto my thigh before adding the knife and gun

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I grab the belt and clip it onto my thigh before adding the knife and gun. "Man I feel like a super spy or something."

I walk downstairs and everyone's already waiting. "Rosa I didn't buy you that dress." "Oh I know. I cut a slit in it I didn't like it." He sighs and shakes his head.

"Before we go does anyone know anything about 'Auntie Rosie?'' Literally everyone freezes.

"Don't mention her." Papa says grumpily before walking out. I get out the ring from my pocket and slide it on.

"Let's go then. Wait where's Roman?" "He's meeting us there." Gio places his hand on my back. "You look beautiful princess."

"Thank you Gio." "And.. Auntie Rosie is our moms sister. She helped take you away from us. She's bad ok?" I nod but don't believe them. If she went to that much trouble just to reach me then she's truly in trouble.

We all get into the car and Luca starts driving. I start to fiddle with my ring while looking out the window.

I let my thoughts take over my mind thinking about how tonight is going to go.

'Who is this other person and how do i know them?' 'Why did she ask me to help her?' 'What has got papa so stressed?' 'Why do I need a gun and knife?' 'And what the hell does moms ring have to do with it?'

I mean this ring looks like it's just a normal engagement ring but better or something. What's so special about it. Ok well it does look a little weird but I wouldn't mind wearing this everyday. It's cute.

I look closer at the ring and realise that there's something inside the middle stone

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I look closer at the ring and realise that there's something inside the middle stone. I try to get the stone out but it's not budging.

I lean back on the seat and sigh. Oh well. You know I think I like this new role of mine. You know becoming a agent I think I would be quite good at it.

Maybe just maybe I could take over the world. Ha! Rosa don't be so stupid you would quit it's too much work.

"What you laughing about?" Gio asks me. "Oh you know world domination." He looks at me weirdly. "Your a weird child." He mumbles and turns back around.

Maybe if I hired the people to dominate the world and then I take all the credit you know like men. Never mind that's mean. Men.


Hello fellow people. I hope you liked this chapter k. Bye ✌🏻

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