Chapter Six: Blood or Not

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I wake up to whisper yelling around me but I keep still to try and hear what there saying.

"What are you doing here!" "I'm her father! I want to know why your here Martino!" Martino? Romans family are here?"

"I'm trying to sleep. Take your whisper shouting somewhere else." My voice comes out groggy as I open my eyes.

"Bella." Martino says and I smile at him. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Am I not allowed to see my daughter?" "Of course you are."

"I swear you love her more then me." Roman says. "I do. And so does your mother" Martino says while patting Romans head making me laugh.

"How you feeling?" "Ok. I think the drugs have worn off though." Roman slides out from next to me making me whine. "I'm going to see the doctor I'll be back."

"Get me some skittles please!" He nods and walks out. "How do you two know each other." I say pointing between my dad and Martino.

"Our businesses are rivals." Dad spits out. "Ok so really you don't want to be in the same room but you are because of me. I feel so special." That makes them both chuckle.

"Yes. Basically." "Just be nice until I'm better please. I love you both but if you wake me up again I will kill you." I say deadly serious. They go to say something when Daniela, Adriano and Marco all walk through the door followed by Roman. Oh there Romans family by the way.

"We were so worried princesa." Daniela says as she kisses my forehead.

"Here's your skittles." Roman says and I smile before he slides back into the bed. I look at his brothers who are giving glares to my brothers who are giving the same in return.

"If you carry on staring at each other I will tell you all to leave." Marco and Adriano both snap out of it and they both kiss my cheek. "Sorry Bella. How you feeling?"

"Like I need drugs." They both laugh and Daniela smacks them both. "I'm getting the doctor." "I literally just went ma!" Roman says. "He's taking too long." She walks out.

"Where's Esme?" I ask Adriano. "At home with Jess she wouldn't stop crying and we didn't want her to disturb the hospital." I nod and lean my head onto Romans chest.

"You all seem to love my sister." Luca says with venom laced in his voice. "We do. She's our family."

"Not by blood." Damon says. "Oh bloody hell. I'm tired and your all acting like children so please do me a favour and shut up. Blood or not there my family so please stop arguing!" They all stop talking immediately and Roman kisses my forehead while wrapping his arm around me.

"Alright Bella I'm sorry." Damon says and I nod. "You should be." Daniela comes back in with Dr. Riley looking a little scared which makes me giggle lightly at how terrifying Daniela can be.

"How you feeling Rosa?" "She's in pain! That's why I came and got you!" Daniela screams. "mamma calmati il tuo spaventare il povero." Roman says and Daniela sits down with a huff. (Mom calm down your scaring the poor man.)

"My head is hurting a little and my leg is just getting worse." He nods and writes it down. "Yeah probably because you were walking on it." I give Alex a glare.

"YOU DID WHAT!" Daniela shouts and stands while I throw my head back onto Romans chest. "She couldn't feel the pain because of the medication she was on and she said something about flying?" Luca explains as Matteo comes back in the room and jumps onto the bed with me and Roman.

"Where'd you go?" "I needed a wee wee." He whispers making me laugh and kiss his forehead. "Can you get the surgery done today?" Emelie asks. "Yes we can I will see how long the theatre room will take." We nod and he walks out.

My phone starts ringing and I have a look to see Jessica calling me. "It's your wife." I tell Adriano making his eyebrow rise.

I answer the face time and see Jess and Esmeralda both on the other side of the phone. Esme has tears running down her face making my heart clench sadly.

"Sorry but Esme really wanted to make sure her Auntie Rose was okay." I smile. "Hey Angel. I'm ok I promise." Her eyes widen. "Relly?" "Yes really. My leg is a little bit poorly but the doctors are going to make it all better." Her eyes light up and she smiles before speaking. "me and mommy come to see you?" I smile before looking at Adriano who mouths 'only if she goes to bed' making me smile more.

"You can come and see me tomorrow if you go to bed for mommy?" She nods and runs off upstairs making me laugh. "Your the only one that she will go to bed for." Jess says making us both laugh. "How are you seriously?" "In a bit of pain but I think I'm going to have my surgery today."

"Good. Me and Esme will come and see you tomorrow." "Can't wait. Love you." "Love you too." She hangs up and I cuddle into Roman.

"Ok I need to get Matteo to bed." Emelie says and picks up a half asleep Matteo before kissing my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow." I smile as she walks out. "I'm going to go home to my wife. I miss her already." Adriano says making me laugh. They are so in love it is adorable. "Stay off your foot. Love you little sis." He kisses my forehead and walks out along with Marco.

"Do you want us to stay Rosa?" Elijah asks and I shake my head. "Go home and sleep." All my brothers stand up and kiss my forehead before leaving except Luca who I doubt will leave. So now it's just Dad, Luca, Roman and his parents and me.

We all sit in silence until there is a knock at the door before Doctor Riley walks in. "The theatre is ready for you Rosa. The surgery will only take an hour or two so you should be back out as soon as possible." I nod and Roman gets off the bed as people come in and unhook the wires off the wall and push my bed out of the room and into surgery.

"Ok Rosa breath in and count down from10 for me." I nod and take the mask before I start counting.

"10 9 8 7 6 5 4..3......" then it all goes black.

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