Chapter Eighteen: What the fuck

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As I finish talk to the camera Dr. Riley comes in and turns the camera off. "What the fuck were you talking about?"

"You know it's kinda sad because I actually liked you." I hit him with my hands that are both tied up knocking him to the ground unconscious.

"Oh and by the way I knew about my uncles being in charged of a Mafia we don't keep secrets." I grab a knife that he had in his pocket and cut the rope on both my wrists.

"It's good to be free. Fucking idiots don't think little innocent Rosabella can do shit. I'll show you want I can fucking do assholes." I walk through the door and see a long hallway.

I decided to go right because it's always right. Thankfully there's no one in the corridors.

When I reach the top of the stairs I notice a familiar voice. "Oh bloody hell."

I walk around the corner. "Hello you beautiful specimen of a specie." I announce making him turn to me. "So it is you. I wasn't sure I just recognised your annoying voice." He stands up and leans on the couch trying to be cool but falls making me laugh.

"Oh shut up little miss perfect! How'd you get out anyways." He says regaining his posture.

"Next time you help kidnap someone tie them to a chair at least give them a challenge! Oh and also don't let the men walk around with knifes otherwise it's not fun to escape." He groans.

"Stupid! Stupid!" He tells himself smacking his head. "Alright genus don't lose anymore brain cells." He stops and looks at me before scoffing and walking out.

"So your not even going to kidnap me again? Okayyy." I say to myself. I start walking around looking at the house I was kidnapped too, when I see a little boy hiding behind the sofa shaking.

"Are you ok?" He looks up at me and his eyes widen before he waddles into my arms and starts crying hysterically. "Shhh. It's ok buddy."

He starts crying even more and try's to get to a room. I walk over and say. "Hello?"

The sound inside the room goes silent. "Is someone there?" An another boy asks. "Yeah buddy it's Rosa." I say to him and hear him gasp. "Rosa?!" "Yeah bud."

"Tommy can you open the door for me?" "I can't they locked it." I can tell he's getting teary by his voice. "It's ok. Just stand back for me ok?" "Ok. I'm back." I kick the door but I doesn't move. I try two more times until it finally bangs open. He runs straight into my arms and I hold them close.

"Alright calm down. It's ok. It's fine." I reassure them and Killian walks into the room with our uncle.

"You got out?" He asks surprised. "Yep I did and my entourage should be here in 3...2....1." I point to the window but nobody shows.

"3...2...1..." again no one. "Bloody hell is this high school musical 3. When is Jimmy going to jump in with a weird costume?" They all look at me confused.

"Really? Sharpay is on the balcony and she sings 'even if we're miles and miles and miles apart' and then jimmy jumps in and saves the day?" Uncle Josh just shakes his head looking confused.

"Your missing out brother. Missing out. Ok but seriously do I have to do everything myself?" As soon as I say that a load of cars pull up and my Uncle grabs me and puts a gun to my head.

"You know I think this has happened before." I say to my Uncle raising my hands up. "Yeah I agree remember when I put a gun to your head on your sixth birthday." I reply to myself trying to impersonate him. I look over to Tommy who's holding Mason looking terrified but I wink at him and make a silly face making them both giggle.

"Shut up or your going to ruin my plan!" Killian shouts. "Sorry big man I think you ruined your own plan." I reply as everyone comes through to door with guns pointing in each direction.

"Hello hello hello." Uncle says making me laugh. "What?" He asks confused.

"Could you not think of anything better then. 'Hello hello hello.' It's really poor you should get some tips off of Jake Peralta." He pushes the gun further into my head.

"Shut up!" Roman starts comes closer until Killian points a gun at him making Dad point a gun at Tommy.

"No! Not him!" "Why not him?" I groan and start waving my hand about. "They've been kidnapped. Leave them alone. There my half brothers as well just put the gun down!" I say pointing at Mason. Dad lowers his gun in shock and stares at them both.

"Alright Killian just give me my niece." Uncle Lorenzo says pointing the gun at Killian.

"He doesn't have your Niece. I do and it's our niece." "Right ok because so many uncles hold there nieces at gun point eight times."

I make eye contact with Vadim and he gives me the signal. 3..2..1.. I quickly turn and grab the gun out of his hand pointing it back at him.

"W..w how did you do that?" He asks in shock as I move over to my family and signal for the boys to come behind me which they do.

"My whole family is in the Mafia. Which I didn't realise but I did know about Vadim so he has been training me since he first met me. Which is also how they know I'm here. And quite honestly I think you could be the worse kidnappers ever. Even worse then the one who gave me back!" They both start to get nervous.

"Well.. we can take you." I shoot Killians leg and he falls to the floor crying. "Really? Can you? Alright big man. Your clearly not a very good kidnapper and your only doing this because your mommy didn't give you enough attention." I say pouting.

"Shut up! You are the reason my sister is in jail!" I look at him unimpressed. "She was my mother! She was there mother and I think we can all say she is and was no mother."

"Only because she hated kids." "Right so she decided to have 7 kids because that makes sense." He groans.

"Your being annoying can we just get straight to the point." "Oh of course." I go to shoot him in the middle of his head when I realise Mason and Tommy are still there.

I turn around and walk them outside and spot Emmie who runs to me and hugs me tight. "Emmie can you watch these two and make sure there not injured?"

"Yes of course." "Thank you." I walk back inside and shoot him in the shoulder and knee. "I am so fucking done with you. Did you think I wouldn't notice the bruises on Tommy you asshole."

I shoot him in the stomach. Not where he could die I'm not going to give my darling uncle that pleasure or realise but I will really hurt him.

"The doctor is down stairs do what ever you want with them." I say and walk pass them all.

I walk outside and get into the back of the truck where Mason and Tommy are with Emmie and Doctor Ramez. Clearly Vadim sent him over.

"Hey. Are you two ok?" They both nod and climb over to me. "It's ok. I'm here. Are you tired?" Tommy nods with Mason just puts his head on my chest. "Go to sleep. I got you." I place my arm around Tommy and gently stroke his hair helping him fall into a deep slumber.

What a fucking day.

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