Chapter Thirty-Three:

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"I didn't even get there names. Shame." Rosa says clenching her side with her hands. She turns her head to one of the other women there.

"We're cousins. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. I'm not surprised we have the same wavelength." The other girl nods.

"Yeah don't worry about us we're not in pain or anything." She says again and we all run towards her.

"And them!" I tend to Rosa and look at her injuries. "I have the ring." She tells me before pulling it out.

"Ok baby. Just keep it safe for now ok?" She nods and lays in my arms. I carefully pick her up and walk out the room.

"Where did he hurt you?" I ask her. She points to her side and stomach. "Ok. We're going to my house so then our doctor can have a look at you ok?"

"Ok." She whispers. I get into the car with her and tell my driver to drive to my house.

My parents and siblings didn't come to this ball because it was only really for Antonio to make a deal with a big gang in Italy.

When we arrive at the house everyone is already waiting outside. I step out the car and they all come running towards her. "Where's the doctor?" "In the living room." My dad says and I immediately walk into the living room.

"Hello Rosa. Where are you hurt?" She groans. "My ribs, stomach and my side." She says groaning. "Ok. Now I'm going to do a few tests and just see the extent of your injuries. Sir I have the hospital on stand by just incase." He tells me and I nod.

My family all come into the room. "What's happened?" "Rosa is the Kingston granddaughter."

"You mean. 'The Kingston granddaughter' that a 15 million pound search has been put on?" I nod and fall into the sofa.

"I'm sorry. 15 mill? I'm worth more then that. Pathetic." Rosa says making me chuckle. "Sure baby. But we're going to have to set up a meeting with your grandfather."

"Um no. Hold on. While he's checking that I'm not broken can you bring me a computer." My mother walks out the room and comes back with computer.

She takes out the ring that was in her. Bra? And looks at it closely. "Roman." I stand up and walk to her. "Yeah."

"Can you pull down on this leaf here." She asks me. "It's not going to move. It's metal." "Just do it." I pull down on the leaf she asks me too and it takes a look more effort then what I thought.

The leaves all close up and close over the crystal in the middle making everyone move closer. "Pass me it." I pass her back the ring and she plugs it into the laptop and it fits perfectly. Just like a USB.

A load of information starts loading onto the screen. "What the hell." Marco says coming closer.

One thing stands out to us all it's big lettering across the screen.


"The fuck? I'm too tired for this. Just send him the ring and tell him not to contact me again." She says before passing me the laptop.

I sit down and go through all of the information and turns out Rosa is pretty much richer then me. Well actually she is and more powerful but that's no surprise.

"Sir? Rosabella has contained lots of injuries and I think it might be best for her to undergo surgery. Actually she needs too. I'm not 100% sure but I believe she has internal bleeding."

"Call the hospital then!" I shout at him. "I already have. They will be here soon." As he says that Antonio bursts through the door.

"Is she ok?" "She needs to go into an ambulance." I take out the ring/ USB thing and put it into my pocket before picking up Rosa.

"Roman. I really don't feel ok." "I know baby. I know." I walk outside as quickly as I can and put her into the ambulance as soon as it arrives.

Antonio hops inside and I get into my car with my parents before driving to the hospital following the ambulance.

Rosa immediately gets send to the emergency department and it all happens so fast.

She gets wheeled straight into the surgery room and they do all the tests there. A doctor comes out and tells us she has severe internal bleeding in her abdomen and a broken rib. They had to start the surgery immediately because If the bleeding got any worse it can be life-threatening.

Thankfully Rosie and Leah are ok just a few broken bones and bad bruising but I really don't care about them. I just need Rosa.

The doctor comes back out and everyone rushes to him. "How is my daughter? Is she ok?" Antonio says immediately. "She is going to be fine. Has Rosa ever had any unexplained zoning out periods or maybe seizures?" He asks.

Antonio turns to me and Vadim. "Has she?" We both look at each other before nodding. "Thinking about it she has had a few seizures. But the doctors said it was all do to with hormones?" Vadim says worried.

"I know. I've had a look at her notes and I think Rosa might have Epilepsy. In fact quite a severe case of Epilepsy." "What do you mean?" Emilie asks.

"Well when we finished the surgery she starting having a fit. It was a small one but lasted a while. We quickly did some tests and she has shown up to be epileptic. She's fine now though, she's resting in on of the rooms." He explains to us.

"Is there anything we can do?" "Well there is a surgery that we can do but if it was my decision, knowing what I know, I wouldn't do it. There is a lot more risks then positives." Antonio nods. "Can we see her?"

"Yes of course. She's still resting so I recommend only a few of you going in."

"Vadim you go in with, dad, mom and Roman." Luca says which surprises me. He notices my surprised look. "You treat my sister well, I knew at some point she would get a boyfriend and there is a lot worse boys out there. Just don't hurt her." He tells me.

"I swear on my whole life I would never hurt her." "Good."



Just quickly I've been getting a lot of hate from people about this book. Ive deleted a lot of comments and also blocked people on private messages. If this book isn't for you just don't read it it's a simple as that.

I know that there are a lot of characters and I'm sorry but I'm don't know how I'm meant to know what I'm doing with this book when I don't even know what I'm doing with my life 😩

Also the updates might be a little later then usual because I'm really struggling with panic attacks and I also have quite a few medical conditions (epilepsy is one of them) so I'm going into hospital quite a lot.

Also my auntie has just started her treatment for her cancer and it's going well so far but it's only the first week. I'll keep you updated.

I hope you are all well if not message me and I can try and help ◡̈

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and if you didn't then don't read my book ◡̈

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