Chapter Five: You bastard.

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_♡Rosabella ♡_

The door opens again to a man I hoped to never see again.

I almost throw up at the look of his smug face even though he's in handcuffs.

"Rosa?" I look up at one of the officers holding him. "David!" I say with a big smile. He let's go of the man and walks over to me before hugging me.

"This is your Rosa?" The female officer sitting down asks and I smile. "Rosa how do you know this officer?" Papa asks

"He is the person that always picks me up when the school calls the police." "Calls the police? Why do they call the police!"

"She sometimes gets in fights." I shake my head trying to play it off. "I only get into fights because it upsets me when mean people pick on innocent people." I say looking at David who smiles and nods.

"Rosabella I am officer Jacob and this is my co-worker Officer Laurie. You know Officer David next to him is Officer Oscar. We just want to ask a few questions is that alright?" I nod

"Okay then. Rosabella do you know this man?"

I nod slowly. "Who is he Bella?" Luca asks. "Moms husband, Liam." I say with looking down. "Your stepdad?" I nod again.

"He was worse then my mother. I haven't seen him in like four months though." I say not making eye contact with him looking everywhere but him.

"Rosa I've seen the fights you get into when someone is horrible to your friends and the other person is always worse. I saw your mother. She hasn't got a scratch on her and your in hospital! What the hell happened!" I look at David with my glossy eyes.

"I can't hit my mother or an elder." He groans. "Why do you always have to be so damn noble! It's infuriating!" I laugh a little and smile with unshed tears.

"Damn Your too nice." Dad says almost scolding himself which makes me laugh. "Can you tell me what your mom and this man has done?" I shrug.

"They are both addicted to drugs, abusive, horrible people to round it up into the key categories." The officer goes to say something when Roman bursts though the door looking worried.

"Oh thank god." He says as he sees me and runs towards me before pulling me into a kiss. When he pulls away I smile and bit my bottom lip. "Don't ever do that again. Please. I beg of you. You scared me so much." He leans his forehead on mine and places his hand on my cheek. "Are you ok?" He whispers gently and I nod. "I'm better now your here. How did you get though my brothers outside?" He shrugs and I laugh.

" k. this is lovely but your girlfriend was in the middle of an important questioning." David says. "Geez David good to see you too." He stands up and turns around seeing Liam his whole face turns anger.

"Why the fuck isn't he in jail." "Language." I say which he ignores. Rude. "Because I was making sure you didn't beat me up again." Liam says smirking.

"You beat him up?" Office Jacob says. "Yeah after he tried to sexual assault me." I say quietly but not quiet enough because Officer Jacobs hears. "He did what?" I just look at him begging for him not to say anything.

"Kid. Why didn't you ask me for help. If I knew that they were hurting you This asshole would've been in jail years ago along with your mom." I shrug and I lean back into the bed. "Dad can you ask the doctors if I can have anything to help with the pain?" I rub my chest gently trying to Soothe it. "I'll do it you stay." Emelie says and walks out.

Their abused, Precious BellaWhere stories live. Discover now