Chapter Four: New People

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"Rosabella you need to lay back down." doctor Riley says and I shake my head. "I'm not letting go. Don't make me let go." Luca walks with me still hanging onto him like he could turn to ash if he let go and he gently places me on the hospital bed before pulling himself back up.

He goes to walk away but I grab he hand so he sits next to me.

"I'll leave you lot alone." The doctor says before walking out. The room is filled with silence until a little boy runs and jumps onto my bed making me wince a little.

"Well done you hurt her idiot!" Gio says which makes the boys lip tremble. "Hey don't worry you didn't hurt me." He looks up at me unsure. "Really? I didn't hurt my sister?" I shake my head with a smile.

"She isn't your sister Matteo." Damon says which makes Matteo look sad again while he looks at Damon with a sad face.

I look at Luca who looks annoyed at Matteo and my dad who looks upset probably for multiple reasons but one being his children don't get along.

I gently touch Matteos face which makes him look at me with tears running down his face. I wipe them with my thumb. "You tell Giovani and Damon that I'm sad with them because they made my little brother upset. Ok?" He smiles and nods before standing on my bed with his arms cross.

"My big sister is mad at you and you for being mean to ME!" While he says it he points at the people he's talking about. He points at himself at the end which makes me smile at his cuteness.

"Bella he isn't your brother." Damon says getting mad and I pull Matteo into a hug which he exciting takes. "He is and if you don't except that then don't talk to me."

"Bella..." I hold my hand up and he stops talking and sighs. "Fine." "Tell him." I place Matteo on my lap facing Damon.

"She is your sister kid." Matteo smiles and jumps into Damon's arms who was going to push him off but I look at him and he awkwardly pats his back.

Matteo exciting jumps into our dads arms "Damon hugged me papa! We're friends! Best friends! But my sister is my bestest friend!" Damon groans and sits down on the sofa defeatedly.

"You and your sister are the bestest friends huh?" Teo nods and jumps back onto my bed. "Can we cuddle please? I love cuddles!"

"If we have too. Come here." I pull up the covers and he hops next to me and gets underneath the quilt.

I look up at my brothers and see that they all have tattoos and have a lot more muscles then before. "You all look terrifying you know that right." Gio smirks at my statement.

"Oh my bejesus!" I shout as I remember Roman. "Can you pass me my bag." Luca nods and passes my bag so I grab my phone and ring Roman.

"Baby are you ok? I've been trying to call your for nearly two days! What happened? Should I come and get you?" He rambles out and I smile at his cuteness.

"I've been in the hospital for two days!" "IN THE HOSPITAL! WHY? WHAT HAS SHE DONE!" I look to see my brothers alarmed that it's a boys voice. "She's in jail but I'm not sure exactly what's wrong but I'm in the hospital soooooo."

"I'm on my way." "Wait no you can't!" "Why not?" I squeeze my eyes shut trying to come up with an excuse.

"My dad and brothers are here. I'm not alone so don't worry." He sighs. "Ok let me know what happens ok? I love you baby." I smile.

"I love you too. I promise I'll let you know." I say before hanging up to see even the people I don't know looking angry.

"Soooooo before you all erupt what's your names?" "I'm Alexandro and Cyrus." Alex says in a monotone voice.

"I'm gonna call you Alex and Cy and Matteo your Teo k?" He nods excitingly.

"Ay i though nicknames was our thing!" Damon says pointing at my bio brothers. "Your all horrible." Teo says crossing his arms.

"Teo if there mean to you let me know and I won't speak to them until there nice." I hear scoffs going around the room.

"Who was on the phone Rosabella?" Papà asks and I almost shrink at his tone. "Is this your wife?" I say pointing at the lady smiling at me and Teo.

"Don't change the subject. Who. Was. He." Luca says leaning forward near my face. "He is a friend. This is a boy. A friend boy. Boyfriend. Friendly boy." I say getting nervous while scratching my hair and my voice cracks.

"BOYFRIEND!" Luca shouts standing up with the rest of my brothers. "Matteo can you help me." I whisper to him and he shakes his head and jumps out of the bed to stand with the rest of them. I shrink into my bed getting nervous.

"Wow Teo I thought we were friends." "We were until you had a boyfriend." I dramatically fall back onto the bed.


"Yes you did and but that was a few years ago yeah? I've changed and plus he asked me out on a date I say yes and blah blah blah." I say as they all have a guilty look on there face and I realise I hit a touch spot.

"I don't like it. You all look terrifying with your tattoos and big muscles. You look ugly." They all gasp and pretend there hurt. "Wow you used to be nice to me."

Someone knocks at the door. "Come in." I say and two police officers come in.

"Hello Rosabella is it ok if we have a chat?" I nod. "Ok." I say nervously and they smile gently.

"Who do you want in here?" "Ummm... Dad, Luca and dads wife who I still haven't been introduced too which is very rude by the way." Everyone laughs.

"Rosabella this is Emelie my wife and Emelie this is my princess." I groan. "I thought we were done with that nickname." They all laugh and the rest walk out.

"Some more officers are going to bring in a man who your mother knows. If you know who he is can you tell us?" I nod.

The door opens again to a man I hoped to never see again.

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