Chapter Eight: Your hot.

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I open my eyes to see myself in the horrible white room that smells like someone sprayed the place with antibacterial gel. Wait no spray. Yeah antibacterial spray.

I look over to see my yummy boyfriend sleeping in the chair. picking up a water bottle I throw it at his head making him sit up instantly and he sees my face and shakes his head smiling.

"How you feeling baby?" "Like shit. Your looking extra yummy today." He smirks and walks over to my bedside before kissing me on the lips.

"Your cute." "Your hot." He laughs and presses the Doctor button and soon enough Doctor Riley comes walking in.

"Your up. How you doing Rosa?" "Did you know that I'm the Queen of Bees." He raises an eyebrow. "Your the Queen of all the bees? But your not a bee Bella." Roman says and I sting him. "I am I just stung you." "You poked me love."

"I'm going to get the bees on you." "Okaayyyy. Rosa hows your foot?" "You know when you accidentally stub your toe and it hurts like a bitch. Well like a hundred times worse. Ohhhh Can I have skittles?" He nods and I grab Romans shirt pulling him closer to me. "Can you please please please get me some skittles." "Of course baby." "I'll call of my bees. Your safe." He laughs and walks out.

"I can give you more medication to help with the pain." I nod. "Ohh can you make me walk on clouds?" "I can try."

He starts putting some liquid in the thing sticking out my arm. "Doctor important. What's sticking out my arm?" "It's to give you your medication without having to swallow it."

"Can it fall into my arm? Omg what if it falls into my arm! Take it out!" "Rosa it can't fall into your arm don't worry." "Okayyyy doctor smarty pants but if it does I will sue you!"

Roman walks back in with my skittles and other people behind him. "Ohhh skittles! Give me." "Say please." I look at him like he's crazy. He wants me to say please. Oh I'll say please.

"Please can you remove the stick from your ass and give me my skittles." I hear the people laughing. I look behind him to see my dad, Emelie and basically everyone in mine and Romans family.

"There you go." He chucks me my skittles and sits next to me. "Did you know that I can make you disappear." "Really. Do it." "abracadabra Disapeario blah blah blah." I touch his nose and close my eyes. "See your gone." He laughs and someone pokes making me jump. I open my eyes and scream. "AHHH YOUR BACK! Your a witch. Dad! Romans a witch!" My dad looks at me and then nods. "Whatever you say Princess."

Adriano walks in and I frown. "Where's the cute one of you?" "You mean Esme?" I nod. "Well It's not you is it? I want Esme where is she?" "You don't want me?" "Unless you have skittles no I don't I want the cute ones. Where are all the babies!" I throw my head back onto my bed.

"AUNTIE ROSE!" I open my eyes to see Esme wiggling to get out of her dads grip. "Pass her to me scary man." Adriano laughs and places Esme on my bed making her run up to my and wrap her arms around me. I feel her start to cry on my neck making me pout.

"Don't cry angel." She pulls away and looks at me. "I was scared." "I know Angel. But I'm ok. I need your help though." She tilts her head. "You have to tell Uncle Roman that I'm the queen of Bees. He doesn't believe me." She frowns and looks and Roman with her hands crossed around her chest.

"Auntie Rose is the queen of bees and if you don't believe her we will get the bees to sting you EVERYWHERE!" I look at Roman with my eyebrows raised. "I believe you." I nod and kiss Esmes cheek.

"ROSA!" Matteo comes running in. "It's my baby brother with the scary brothers." I look at all my brothers who walk in behind him. Matteo jumps onto my bed and I pitch his cheek.

Their abused, Precious BellaWhere stories live. Discover now