Chapter Twenty-Three: George

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Today is the day me, Tommy and Mason are going to meet George. Luca is coming with me but is going to stay out of the way so we can talk privately.

Once we reach the cafe I order an iced coffee for me, a Hot chocolate for Tommy and a juice for Mason as well as some crisps each.

Luca sits down on a chair further away and we sit on a table near the corner of the room.

After five minutes George shows up and smiles as he sees me. I stand up and hug him as he reaches our table.

"It's been so long Rosa." "It's only been two years." He laughs and shakes his head. He looks at the boys and crouches to their height.

"Hey guys. My names George." "Wait. Rosa isn't this our dad?" Tommy asks me confused. George stands up and sits down so I crouch infront of Tommy.

"Yes this is your and Masons dad."

I hold his hand in both of mine. "He just wants to talk. I promise." Tommy nods still u sure. I sit down in my seat and help Mason drink his juice box.

"I just wanted to see if you and Mason, wanted to come back to London to live with me." George says and even though I love the boys it is too much for everyone to handle especially with everything going on. I want them to be safe and George can and will always keep them safe.

Tommy looks at me. "It's completely up to you baby. Mason can't really choose so whether you choose too stay or to leave Mason will go with you." He looks between me and George a few more times.

"There's no pressure buddy. I understand if you want to stay with Rosa and her family." Tommy looks at Mason who is looking at me with a loving look making me smile.

"But if we leave then we never see Rosa again and I..I will be sad!" Tommy rambles out.

"You will see me again Tommy. I will come and visit and we can call all the time baby." I say to him and he nods before looking at George. "Ok." George smiles and hugs him and Mason so so tight. "I'm so glad. It's getting kind of lonely being all the way in London." He says and I know that George needs them more then I do.

We sit and I watch as Tommy talks to George about a toy car that Papa got him. Him and Matteo got matching ones to play with.

George sits there and listens to him before saying he has a lot more toys in the UK for them both.

George gets a text message and he looks at his phone before looking at me. "I'm so sorry Rosa I have to go but it was lovely seeing you. Are you ready to go boys?" They nod and I hold them both tightly. "I love you both so so much." "We love you too." Tommy says and I kiss his forehead and Masons as George picks up Mason and I watch as they all walk out of the shop and I am left looking at my coffee alone.

Luca comes and sits down. "Are you ok?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah. It's just hard you know." "I know. Why don't we go shopping?" I look at him. "Really?!" "Of course let's go." In the end we go to like 15 different shops and I had a great time.

We walk back into the house and some people take my bags upstairs. I see Emmie and I walk over and just hug her.

"You alright princess?" She asks hugging me back. I nod and mumble. "I just wanted a hug." I see as she looks at Dad in shock who nods with a smile and kisses her head before walking towards the Matteo who is playing with some toy cars on the floor.

"Are you sure your ok?" She asks sitting with me on the sofa. "Yeah. I just needed a motherly hug." She laughs gently and hugs me tighter before kissing my forehead. "The boys are going to be ok. You know that right?" Luca must of phoned them. "Yeah I know."

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