Episode 25 - Scene 3

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The Hôtel de Ville was crowded. From other famous fashion designers to simple salesmen, elderly people to children, all were here to see what Gabriel Agreste had to say. It would be a key event in fashion history. Nathalie told Adrien to sit in the first row and went to the backstage.

Adrien wanted to go to the first row, but Nino grabbed him by his arm.

"Dude, chill. The show will start in half an hour. Let's go outside, here are too many people.", he said and pulled Adrien out of the building.

While they were outside, Nino realized, that Adrien was pretty quiet. He had this sad look in his eyes.

"What's wrong, dude? Why that sad look?", he asked worriedly. Adrien didn't recognize Nino was asking. He was just staring somewhere and tried to look as normal as he can, which didn't work.

Nino put his hand on Adrien's shoulder. Adrien was startled and turned his head over to Nino. He saw that Nino was worried.

"Is everything okay, Nino?", he asked his best friend.

"I'm totally fine Adrien. But you're not. Tell me dude, what happened? Why are you so sad?"

Adrien felt a happy to have a best friend like Nino, who cares about him as a person and not what he could be or do in favor of Nino. To hold back his tears, he turned his head away from Nino and closed his eyes. He felt the light summer breeze blowing through his hair. It was an ease feeling. He felt better and started talking about what was bothering him.

"You know Nino, before I saw you, I asked Nathalie what this event is for and what my father has to say so important that he is going to be there personally. As you can think, I, once again, did not get a proper answer. I know that Nathalie is restricted and it was never her fault. But I don't understand why my father has to cut me out of his life that much. Before my mom disappeared, my father was a happy, caring and protective person. Of course, our relation wasn't the best, but it was way better than what it is now. I can understand, my father is very upset after my mom disappeared, but so am I. My mom was his wife and he loves her, but she is also my mother and I love her too. Instead of getting along with the fact, he eventually cuts the only person in his family from his business. Sometimes I think it would be better, I wasn't here after all. Maybe then he would be a better person."

Nino listened very carefully and didn't interrupt him. He wanted his best friend to let out all of his grudge towards his father. He doesn't know much about his best friends' father, but what he knows after all this time, is that his best friends' old man is a controlling and selfish person.

"Dude, I don't know your dad that well. But what I would say is, your dad is way to controlling. You have to stand and speak up for yourself. Otherwise, your dad will always think that you can't do anything by your own and he has the fundamental right to take your decisions. Try to go your own way. Someday your dad will lose and he will see, that you can handle yourself and make own decisions. I would like to say more, but we have to go inside. The show will start soon."

"You're right. Let's go inside. And thank you Nino, for everything."

"That's what friends are for, dude." Nino put his arm over his best friends' shoulders and together they went inside of the Hôtel de Ville. 

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