Episode 26 - Scene 7

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Ladybug arrived as quickly as she could and saw Cat Noir, who was fighting off Gabriel Agreste. Although Gabriel Agreste had no powers, his melee combat had such high precision that even Cat Noir couldn't keep up. She remembered, however, that Shadow Moth had him under his spell with an amok and probably his inner Sentimonster, if you can say it that way, was fighting Cat Noir. Shadow Moth, on the other hand, stood by visibly amused, hands on her hips, laughing as she watched the spectacle from a safe distance.

"Is that all you've got, kitty cat?" yelled Shadow Moth to the gathering, laughing relentlessly. Cat Noir growled. There was anger in his face. He tried to approach Shadow Moth, but Gabriel stopped him with ease. Ladybug observed the situation. Shadow Moth probably didn't realize she was already there, so she took a chance and swung at Shadow Moth. She surprised Shadow Moth from behind and held her in a chokehold. From the sudden attack, Shadow Moth panicked, but she didn't let it show. She did not move, but waited for Ladybug to say something.

"Give me the Miraculouses right now! Otherwise, I'll let you die here and now!", Ladybug screamed at the top of her lungs into Shadow Moth's ear. The latter, however, only let out a provocative breath.

"You do realize that it will take me exactly one blink of an eye to nullify Adrien?", of course Shadow Moth would never do that since Adrien is part of her personal interest, but to defeat Ladybug, it is enough. Ladybug swallowed hard.

"Shut up!"

"Make me."

The barrel was overflowing, Ladybug was out of control and punched Shadow Moth. Shadow Moth intercepted her fist with a firm grip and shooed her away. Ladybug kept attacking with fists and kicks, but Shadow Moth simply dodged. She didn't care that Ladybug was attacking her like a madwoman, she just needed to stall for time to move her plan to the next stage.

Cat Noir was at the end of his rope. He doesn't know how much time has passed that he was here fighting with his father continuously. His father continued to fight without any emotion. It was as if he was wrestling with a robot that would mimic his every move. His heart gave a short skip when he realized that his father was literally his reflection. Immediately he stopped, his father did the same. He approached his father. His father did the same. He raised his right hand. His father raised his left hand. The hands of father and son approached each other. Their fingers intertwined. Eyes fixed on each other. Cat Noir exerted pressure on his father's ring finger with his middle and ring finger. At the same time, he himself felt immense pressure on his middle finger. But he kept up the pressure. There, where the origin of his life is. The ring. He tugged the ring from his father's ring finger and released his hand.

Holding the ring in his hand, he looked at his father with a stern expression.

"You have caused a lot of mischief in this world. For this you will get your punishment. I will give this ring to your son, Adrien. He will no longer be under your power and will live as a free human being."

Clapping sounded in the background. Shadow Moth approached Gabriel Agreste and Cat Noir with a wide grin on his face. Ladybug looked completely exhausted and was breathing heavily.

"I thank you, kitty cat. You have successfully completed the first part.", with these words stepped from the side to Gabriel, directed her hand in front of his face and flicked it briefly.

Gabriel widened his eyes. He looked at Cat Noir perplexed. He didn't know what was going on. The feeling oppressed him that his memory had been lost. Then his eyes fell on the ring in Cat Noir's hand. His wedding ring. Adrien's only protection. He turned his head to Shadow Moth.

"You... you tricked me," he said in a brooding voice.

"But no, he grabbed your ring.", pointing her thumb at Cat Noir.

"Oh Gabriel, look what just happened. You've lost everything. Your wife is in a coma, your secretary isn't there for you either, your son has been taken away from you.", while pointing at the ring. Cat Noir felt a distinct pain that he is reduced to existence of this ring, but did not show anything.

"Let me ask you a question, Gabriel. What risk will you take to have your son under control, to have your secretary by your side, to awaken your wife? To undo all your mistakes?"

Gabriel blazed up inside. He breathed in and out loudly. He clenched his fists so hard that the bones stood out white.

"I'm willing to do anything. Absolutely anything." he said, hissing.

"So, it shall be." replied Shadow Moth, sending a Akuma towards Gabriel, towards Risk.

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