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Hey, I hope you are doing well. Thanks for reading my story "The Last Attack of Shadow Moth (fanmade version)" to the end and supporting me so much!

In the following, I would like to discuss some events that I included in my version of the season 4 finale. Also, I would like to mention some thoughts that didn't make it into the story in the end.

As I'm sure you've all noticed, the story puts a very big focus on Adrien and his thoughts. I wanted to give our cinnamon roll an essential part in the series, as I think he has been severely neglected throughout season four and has served more and more as a supporting character. Adrien is a very complex hub in the Miraculous world, combining a tremendous amount of secrets, among others, that have yet to be uncovered. Therefore, I understand to a certain level why the creators of Miraculous may not be putting the focus on him that he deserves. That's why, I sincerely hope that we see more of him and his world once we dive into the fifth season.

Something else I'd like to address is the revelation of the Graham de Vanily twin rings. It was quite difficult to come up with a semi-plausible explanation, which is why I based this on the, now repealed, one-child policy in China. Due to the exponential increase of the Chinese population in the post-war period, this law was introduced. Twins were therefore considered lucky. I followed this concept in explaining the Graham de Vanily twin rings, since it is well known that Emelie and Amelie are twins and Adrien and Félix look suspiciously alike.

Another point is the akumatization of Marinette at pretty much the beginning of the story. I didn't give her a new name for that reason, but stuck with the already familiar name of Princess Justice, since in both of them Lila Rossi was the reason for Marinette's akumatization.Through the seasons we have seen people who have been akumatized for various things. The best example of this is Nino. He was once akumatized to "bubbler" because his best friend was not allowed to celebrate his birthday and once he was akumatized to "rocketear" because he suspected that his girlfriend Alya was cheating on him. On the other hand, there are people who were akumatized for the same reason. You can probably guess it already, we are talking about Mr. Ramier aka. Mr. Pigeon. This guy has been akumatized 72(!!!) fucking times as of current and probably still can't get his act together. His villain name has remained the same though. Furthermore, Marinette was not the main theme of the finale anyway, but merely a trigger for the resolution of the mysteries related to Adrien.

Also, I'd like to address Cat Noir's so-called "Colossal Cataclysm," which admittedly seems pretty far-fetched. But hear me out hahaha. His newish and more powerful cataclysm is modeled after Ladybug's ability to create things out of nothing. Ladybug, through Alya's ingenuity, created the magical charms in the fourth season episode "Mr. Pigeon 72" to protect already akumatized people from further akumatization. This is where it lends itself to a brief look at chemistry, since I study chemical engineering lol. The well known law of conservation of mass is a conservation law in chemistry that states that the mass of a system has no appreciable (infintesimal small) change before and after a reaction. Means that little cannot become much and much cannot become little. Of course, there is also the mass defect, which accounts for the tiny "disappearing" mass fraction with chemical equilibrium and entropy of a reaction, but as stated above, it is not appreciable. Back to the point. So the law of conservation of mass gives us a basic law of nature that Ladybug's superpower violates. Ladybug can create things with her imagination alone (and I'm not talking about the lucky charm here, although that works on a similar principle. And since we know that the ladybug and cat miraculous are equal, Cat Noir's superpower must also break this law. And minor spoiler at this point: it does. And so I came up with the idea that Cat Noir, with his enhanced cataclysm, can break not only physical things, but non-physical things as he did with Emelie's coma. And since this action happened for the greater good and was not ( in the first place at least) in his interest, it will not carry any consequences with it.That's it for now with chemistry, although I could write more stuff here, but that would go beyond the scope ;)

Next we come to Félix. This dude only appeared in the last chapter at the end and here I had to think a lot about what to do with this guy and how to end this story. First of all, of course, we know that Mr. Félix Graham de Vanily is really the only one with brain cells in the entire Miraculous series. Therefore, he had to know the secret of the Graham de Vanily twin rings ahead of time, or he wouldn't be so keen on them. Another point I struggled with quite a bit was how he will react in regards to Adrien since Adrien is in possession of one of the twin rings. In the end, I chose to go with an open ending here, where there was no conversation between Adrien and Félix, but just a hug shown to symbolize that everything will be okay. Doesn't mean Félix is a good guy, though. Also doesn't mean that Félix is a bad guy. I quoted from Episode 26 - Scene 5:

"Adrien and Félix are complementary. What one does not have, the other has."

Adrien is very naive in my opinion. By now we also know the reason why he is so naive, but still. Félix, on the other hand, is everything but naive. He can therefore use the problem with the rings to his advantage and let Adrien lose out.But it can also turn out quite differently and he makes Adrien his accomplice and the two form an alliance. As quoted above, the two are complementary. Félix may be a clever fellow, but he is still not perfect. And these missing qualities in him will so almost certainly be found in Adrien. In short, one can do nothing without the other. Only together can they make a difference. Just as it is with Ladybug and Cat Noir. I quote from Episode 26 - Scene 9:

"And you are my equal, Cat Noir. Where there is creation, there is destruction. One cannot exist without the other. "

One idea I discarded was having Adrien Félix give the peacock Miraculous. But with this I could continue only conditionally, because then I should also write an extensive conversation between our feathers (sorry for that, he also hurts my soul when I hear that hahaha), but I left it for the above reasons.


And yes, those were my thoughts behind this story. I would be very interested to hear what possible outcomes you think are realistic for the end of season four, or what events would be the vehicles for season five. Feel free to let me know.

Until then, have a great time and maybe we'll meet again in another story.

Lots of love


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