Episode 26 - Scene 4

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"Emilie. The woman I have loved, love and will always love. No one will ever be able to replace her. She is the most beautiful woman in this world. I did everything I could to make her happy and keep her with me forever. I knew she would never leave me, but I was so caught up in self-doubt that I always had this fear that she would leave me."

Ladybug listened with composure and held Cat Noir's hand. Although she didn't know what was happening inside him, she tried to reassure him by stroking the back of his hand with her thumb. He sniffled continuously and his tears ran down his face like waterfalls.

"Everything was going perfectly until the desire arose to create a new life. A life with a child. We tried everything, but nothing worked. We went to the best doctors in the country, but nothing helped. It seemed to us that there was no solution to this miserable situation and I had to see with my own eyes how my dearest Emilie broke from this suffering. I was so devastated because I couldn't look at my wife the same way. She looked so lost."

Gabriel let a tear run from his eye and took off his glasses to wipe it away. However, he didn't make the decency to put them back on and continued.

"I had made up my mind that I would do everything I could to make sure Emilie's wish was granted. So, I made inquiries. That's when Nathalie, my secretary, told me about an old legend she learned back in her history studies. She told me that in eastern China there was a great temple where monks and grand masters lived, watching over magical artifacts. These magical artifacts were said to possess supernatural powers that were supposed to simplify physically difficult or even impossible processes. However, the temple was supposed to be just an old ruin because it was burned down. But I wanted to search for these magical artifacts in the ruins, which is why Nathalie and I left for eastern China a short time later. I left Emilie with her sister Amelie at that time so that she could take care of Emilie. We searched for a long time until we arrived at a canyon. We climbed down and saw that there were two trinkets, the Butterfly Miraculous and the Peacock Miraculous, and a book. The peacock Miraculous had a crack, but Nathalie said that it must be functional because Miraculouses can't be destroyed. I took the book, which didn't really help me because it was written in an ancient script language. With the things we found, we flew back to London, where I had left Emilie. I told her how I found a way for our problem. I still remember the sparkle in her eyes when she realized we had hope. I grabbed the butterfly Miraculous and put it on. Then Nooroo appeared and we asked about his power. He told us that his power works on the principle of telepathy. With the help of butterflies, you can feel the sensory of other people and give them powers. Emilie put on the broken peacock Miraculous and Duusuu appeared. She was very confused and jittery when we asked her about her power, but she then told us that her power is something like an artificial intelligence in physical form. With the help of feathers, you can make your own creations. This power seemed perfect for us. Emilie took a feather and filled it with power. She stored it in her wedding ring and that's how she created our sons. Adrien and Félix."

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