Episode 26 - Scene 2

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Ladybug was swinging her yoyo over the rooftops of Paris when she saw Cat Noir from afar. She had nothing else on her mind and wanted to get to him as quickly as possible. She increased her speed and reached him in seconds.

"Cat Noir!" she shouted at full volume. Cat Noir stopped abruptly and saw his beloved Ladybug coming towards him.

"M'lady, you're a little late there.", he said laughing in greeting and looked at Ladybug with shining eyes. His heart was filled with love just by her presence.

"I'm sorry Cat Noir. I was on my way, but eventually everything got back to normal. Were you able to handle it?", Ladybug asked him, trying to remain as authentic as possible. After all, this was her civil version of having the run-in with Cat Noir.

"Of course, M'lady. It was half the fun of performing your duties as a handsome and charming cat, but the thought of you made my day pawsome," he replied happily as he posed with his arm muscles. She rolled her eyes, but then started laughing and hugged Cat Noir tightly. As she did so, she buried her face in his neck. She needed this closeness to her partner after everything that happened and felt safe around him.

"I thank you, Cat Noir. For everything you've ever done for me. You are irreplaceable to me."

Cat Noir became very still. He noticed how his breath began to catch and how his face glowed. Still, he took his partner tightly in his arms and returned her embrace.

"Anything for you, Ladybug."

Suddenly, a violent flash of lightning struck the Eiffel Tower and the two superheroes broke away from their moment of togetherness. They looked at each other and that's when Ladybug realized what she was here for. She grabbed her forehead and started walking around in circles.

"No... I forgot to catch the Akuma," she began to say quickly to herself in confusion. Cat Noir couldn't quite follow Ladybug and was trying to calm her down when he recalled the situation with Marinette. Marinette had changed back on her own and neither he didn't destroy the Akuma with his Cataclysm in the process, nor was Ladybug on the spot to capture it.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry. Marinette fell straight to the top of the Louvre, which is why my first priority was to save her. I'm so sorry, Ladybug." he said shamefully more to himself than to her. He can't get anything done on his own, he thought to himself. He always has to screw something up. If he, as a superhero with powers, can't manage to keep people safe, then he shouldn't have the right to make his own decisions. He lowered himself to the ground and looked at his hands in concern.

"No Cat Noir, you did the right thing. We can't give up now. We've defeated a villain before, and we'll do it again." Ladybug knelt down to Cat Noir and looked at him. She took his face in her hands and rubbed her thumbs over his cheeks. Cat Noir halted and took one of her hands and kissed the inside of her hand. He swallowed hard and looked at Ladybug with determination.

"I thank you, Ladybug. For everything you've ever done for me. You are irreplaceable to me."

Ladybug let her hand be clasped by his and looked at him with a gentle gaze.

"Anything for you, Cat Noir."

The two superheroes moved at top speed toward the Eiffel Tower to rescue the akumatized person. When they got there, something very different was waiting for them.

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