2. Paradaise..

801 14 4

"Are you sure about this?" Quackity's voice echos through the VC.

"A thousand percent, Big Q," Sapnap declares.

Quackity starts squealing into his mic along with George.

Everyone was ecstatic.

Sapnap was sitting in his chair, you and Dream on either side of him.

"We'd have to get a house here in North Carolina, though. I still have to film for Jimmy and need to stay close," Karl says.

"Yeah of course," You say.

You all continue talking about your plans over the VC for a few hours.

Dream eventually pulls out his phone and looks for houses in the North Carolina area that Jimmy lives in.

After not long, Dream showed everyone a house that would fit everyone's needs. It had six rooms, all with their own attached bathrooms, a large basement area where they could put all of their pc's and filming equipment, a large backyard with an underground pool and a hot tub, and a very open floor plan living area.

"That's perfect," You say.

Sapnap simply nods his head in response. "That's the one."


The next day, you wake up to the sound of Sapnap talking to someone on the phone.

He's still laying in bed next to you, running his hands through your hair, making sure to keep his voice quiet so he doesn't wake you up.

"Yeah alright, I'll ask Dre and my girl if they wanna go," He says to the person on the phone.

The person on the other line says something and Sapnap scoffs. "Shut up asshole, I'll see you later."

The other person says a few more words and hangs up the phone.

Sapnap sets his phone down on the bed and looks down at you.

Your eyes meet his and he smiles softly at you.

"Goodmorning, m'lady."

"Goodmorning," You reply, nuzzling into his chest.

"Do you wanna go to a party tonight? It's at Punz's place," He asks.

You look up at him, eyes wide.


He nods.

"Holy shit!" You exclaim, rolling off of him and jumping around the floor of his bedroom.

Sapnap laughs, a huge smile on his face.

After you calm down, you lay back down next to Sapnap, staying in his embrace for what feels like hours.

You were almost asleep before Dream stormed in the room with no warning.

"It's almost 4 in the afternoon, are you guys ever gonna wake up?" He says, jumping onto th bed next to Sapnap and you.

"I'm suprised you're even awake yourself," You laugh as Dream rolls his eyes at your comment.

"We should get up and eat before we go to Punz's place. The party starts at 8," Sapnap says, dragging the two of you out of bed, leaving Dream sprawled out there by himself, a confused expresion on his face.

"Punz is having a party and didn't invite me?" He asks, a fake pout on his face now.

"He told me you could come too, calm down Dre," Sapnap says with a laugh.

"Sweet," He says, getting out of the bed and coming over to the two of you and going downstairs to eat.

You were all too lazy to acutally make something, as usual, so you decided to order some IHOP for the three of you.

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