7. Flashback..

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age 12, 6th grade - march 16th, 2015

You and your best friend, Hannah, were walking down the street.

You had just gotten out of school and the both of you were headed to your house to play games with Silas and babysit Elijah. Silas was 15, Elijah was 8.

For the last few months, you had been doing this every day. Going home and playing games with your older brother and your best friend.

Your mom and dad both worked fairly late most of the time, so Silas was pretty much always you and Elijah's caregiver. Which was difficult for him, considering he was only a freshman in highschool.

But, this day was different. When you walked in the house, you were greeted by a crying Silas and a scared Elijah.

Your mother was laying there, blood spilling from both of her wrists.

There was a bloody knife laying next to her, too. Her long brown hair was laid out against the linoleum, face pale as snow.

You turn and shoo Hannah back before she can see your mother lying on the ground.

You were trying to hold back tears, hardly able to talk. "Hannah, I-I don't think we can hang out today, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, maybe tomorrow?" She asks.

"Yeah sounds great."

"Okay, bye y/n! I love you!" She says, walking away and on down the sidewalk.

"Love you too, Hannah," You say before running back inside.

"Oh my god," You say, standing next to Silas.

A single tear drops from your eye and onto your mother's body with a splat, followed by many more.

"Why are we just sitting here? We need to call someone," I yell.

She was gone. No more mom. Just dad.

The rest of that day was a blur, police and sirens and flashing lights.


age 14, 8th grade - november 24th, 2016

Dad got a new girlfriend. You didn't like her at all.

She made your dad an even worse person than he was to begin with. She was so bossy and demanding, and not to mention she constantly told you and your brothers that you were the reasons that your mother had killed herself. Elijah was 10 now, Silas 17.

Not to mention, Dad had started doing very bad things to you. And just you.

Almost every day he would make you do stuff with him. Make you have sex with him.

You hated it so much but you didn't know how to stop it. He told you that if you told anyone he would kill you, and even if that would've gotten you away from your situation, you knew you had to stay alive for your brothers. 

You put up with it. It would be after school every day, when Elijah was at daycare, Silas was with his buddies, and Julia was at work.

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