18. Visitors..

36 0 1

- Y/n's POV -

It's now day three in the hospital, and you're starting to really miss everyone.

You've made some friends here, which is nice, but you really wish you could just go home.

Right now, you're sitting in the main room, coloring and talking with Charley.

Charley is in for the same reason you are, actually.

She lives with her girlfriend and her two cats in a small apartment in a town a few hours away from here.

You guys trauma bonded with each other, which is sad, but it made you feel better knowing that there was someone who understands what you're going through.

Besides that, it's been really difficult for you to get up every day.

Not being able to see any of your friends or Sapnap is making you feel really lonely.

Sapnap calls every day around the same time just to talk for a while, but it's not the same as actually being able to see him in person.

You set the colored pencil that you had been coloring with down on the table and cross your arms to your chest, looking over at Charley.

"What's up, babes?" She asks, furrowing her brow at me.

"I just wish there was something else to do." You start. "It's so boring here, you know? Nothing really to do other than watch TV, play games, color, or sleep."

Charley nods. "I get what you mean. It gets so boring sometimes to the point where I just sit and stare at the wall."

You laugh lightly as you and Charley start exchanging memories and telling stories about your friends and the people you miss.

You're talking for almost an hour before you feel a hand tap on your shoulder.

"What-" You jump, turning around to look at the person behind you.

Your eyes water at the sight.


You practically throw yourself out of your chair and into his arms, to everyone else around seeming like you haven't seen him in years.

"Hey, love," He whispers against your hair, holding you close to him protectively.

Behind him stands Elijah, a soft smile on his face. You quickly run over to him, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you guys for coming," I mumble, feeling so grateful for the closeness.

Elijah and Sapnap sit with me and Charley at the table, talking about how things have been at home.

Charley sits in silence, continuing to color just as she had been before. She looks sad, almost disappointed.

You look over at her with a soft expression. "Everything okay?"

She nods. "Yeah, just really missing my girlfriend."

You frown. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

She just shrugs before going back to her coloring page.

You sigh, looking back over at Elijah and Sapnap.


It's been a few days since Sapnap and Elijah's visit, but it's finally the day you get to leave.

You excitedly grab all of your things, exiting your room to go out into the recreational area where Sapnap is already waiting for you.

"Ready to go home?" He asks, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I really am," You say with a nod.

He grabs your hand and leads you out of the building.

As you exit, you feel the fresh air enter your lungs. It feels amazing after being cooped up in the hospital for so many days.

The drive home is very quiet. Neither of you are really too bothered by it, though.

Once you guys get back to the house, Sapnap grabs all of your things and leads you in.

Nobody is home when you enter, which you're grateful for.

All you want to do is go to sleep in your bed.

Sapnap can sense that in your presence, so he follows you up to your shared room.

He sits your things down, coming to join you on the bed.

He holds you close to him, like he's scared to let go.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, my love."

You nuzzle in closer to him, nodding. "I'm just happy to be home."


word count: 729

and that's the end.

i'm sorry if this isn't the end you were hoping for, but i genuinely just have no more motivation to finish this story, hence why i've been procrastinating this for nearly a year now.

i hope you guys enjoyed! keep a lookout for my new books coming soon :)

- phoenix

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