6. Unknown Number..

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Right now, you and all the boys were in the middle of a WiiSports stream.

You and Sapnap were sitting out, watching the rest of the boys do the different activities.

The two of you were tired, which was why you were sitting out together.

"Can we go upstairs and take a nap?" You mumble into Sapnap's ear.

"Yeah, love. Let's go," He says, leading you off of the couch and taking you upstairs.

The boys were too intrigued in their games to realize the two of you had walked away.

You both walk into your room, plopping yourselves down on the bed and getting comfortable.

"Are you feeling alright? You seem kind of off today," Sapnap says, carding one of his hands through your hair.

"Yeah, I just got my period so my mood has been all over the place," You say with a light chuckle.

"That makes sense, tell me if you need me to get you anything," He says with a smile, taking his other hand and slipping it underneath your shirt, resting it on your lower stomach.

His touch was warm.

Before too long, you felt sleep overcome you, still wrapped in the boys' grasp.

You weren't asleep long before you heard a group of people running into your room yelling.

"GUYS I WANT FOOD LET'S GO GET SOME PLEASE," Quackity yells, making me scoff.

The rest of the boys stand behind him laughing.

"I'm not hungry, I'll stay here."

Sapnap nods in agreement.

"Okay fine lovebirds, suit yourselves," He says with a shrug and shoos everyone out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

"What do you want to do, love?" He asks, pulling you closer to him, as if that was even possible.

His arm still gently rested on your bare stomach, rubbing circles with his thumb into your skin.

"We could just lay here for a bit," You say with a content sigh.

You loved being with him, having his touch engulfing you. You wouldn't want it any other way.

"Sounds good," He mumbles.

You both fall right back asleep for the rest of the night.


You open your eyes hesitantly, not wanting to wake up due to the amount of light going through your windows.

You do, eventually, rolling over to see that Sapnap wasn't in your bed anymore.

You lift the covers off of yourself and get out of your bed, only to find a giant red puddle left where you were laying before.

"Oh fuck," You say to nobody, rushing to the bathroom to change.

Once you do that, and you're all freshened up again, you look down at the mess that was your bed.

You start by taking the sheets off and throwing them in a basket, making it easier for you to carry them down to the washroom.

As you walk down the stairs, you're met with Sapnap and Dream in the kitchen.

"Hey baby," Sapnap says to you. "Why're you washing all your sheets right now? You just woke up?"

"Don't worry about it," You mumble back, going into the laundry room and throwing the stuff in the wash.

You grab some cleaning supplies from the kitchen and run back upstairs, despite Sapnap's constant protesting.

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