14. Blood Runs Red..

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- Sapnap's POV -

It's been about an hour since I left y/n in the room, and it's been dead silent since.

Me and the boys have just been sitting in the living room, an uncomfortable silence surrounding us.

I heard the bath run about half an hour ago, which slightly worries me because she's been showering multiple times a day, scrubbing her skin to the point where it gets raw and red.

Trying to get him off of her.

It pains me to see her like this.

I wish I could help her somehow.

Though, before I could finish my train of thought, Quackity taps on my shoulder.

"Shouldn't you go check in on y/n?"

I look over at him, nodding. "Yeah, I probably should."

I get up off the couch, and Karl does, too.

"I'll come with you."

I nod, walking with him up the stairs to y/n and I's room.

I knock. "Y/n?"

No response.

I look at Karl, and he looks back at me with a look of sympathy.

I knock again, no response.

"Y/n, I'm coming in."

I open the door to see that our bed is empty.


Me and Karl look around for a few minutes, unable to see any traces of my girlfriend.

Until I hear a high-pitched scream.

From Karl.

"SAPNAP, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" He yells urgently.

I run to the bathroom and stand in the doorway, in complete shock.

I'm met with the sight of my girlfriend, the love of my life, laying unconscious in the bathtub full of her own blood.

Karl is kneeling over the bathtub, trying to check her for a pulse. "It's faint, but it's there."

I stare blankly, unable to move. Speak. Think.

"Why are you just standing there, call 911!!"

I nod my head quickly, grabbing my phone and attempting to dial 911.

I fail a few times due to my trembling hands, but after the fourth try, I get it.

It rings once, twice, and then before I know it, I hear it.

"911, what's your emergency?"

I struggle to get the words out.

"My-my girlfriend.." I sob out, barely being able to contain myself.

"What happened to her, dear?" The sweet woman's voice says into the phone.

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