10. Hang in There..

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You and Sapnap both exchange a worried look.

Elijah looks over at you.

"Cat got your tounge?" The voice behind the door says, all too familiar to your ears.

You get up, angrily stomping your way to the door, standing behind Elijah, who was aimlessly staring at the man in front of him.

"Ryan, what the hell did I say to you?"

He cackles cold-heartedly. "You think I would listen to a pathetic 20 year old girl? Well I'll be damned."

"You would've if you'd known what was best for you," You bite back, his face still holding that shit-eating grin.

It goes silent, no words exchanged. The only noise being your heavy breath.

"Why did you come here?" You question. He rolls his eyes.

"Why else would I come back?"

You sigh. "If you want money, I have it. Just take it. If you want anything else, I don't have it so just leave."

He laughs. "I have plenty of money, sweetheart. What I want is you."

Your face goes pale.

"You what now?" Sapnap says, coming up behind you and resting a hand on your shoulder.

"Now who's this, y/n? You finally got another shithead boyfriend?" Ryan questions.

"He's not a shithead, he's a very good man. He was taught well, unlike you," Elijah shoots at him.

Ryan rolls his eyes. "Are we done here? Just give me y/n and we can call it a day."

Sapnap scoffs. "If you think you're getting her, you're wrong. Damn wrong."

"Okay kid," Ryan shoots back, pushing past Elijah to get to you. He grabs a set of handcuffs from his back pocket and puts them on you, dragging you out of the apartment despite Sapnap and Elijah's constant protesting.

They tried to save you, but Ryan was just too strong.

Ryan throws you in the back of his car, hands still cuffed.

You look around. Your 'stepmom,' Julia, was sitting in the front seat, giving you a glare through the rearview mirror.

"Long time, no see, mio caro," She says with a devilish smile.

(mio caro = "my dear" in italian)

"Don't call me that." You scoff.

She rolls her eyes and goes silent again.

Your dad goes into the driver's seat and pulls out of the parking lot and drives away, leaving the apartment building nothing but a blur.

You wished you could've fought back; tried to save yourself. But you knew you were no chance against him.

You sat in the backseat, staring out the window, wondering when you'll see this place again.

- Sapnap's POV -

I'm pacing the living room of the apartment, mind racing. I have no idea what to do.

Elijah is just about as freaked out as I am, trying to frantically call Silas to get him to come home.

Elijah sighs in relief. "Silas, I'm glad you picked up."

He puts the phone on speaker so I can hear, too.


"Ryan came to the apartment and took y/n," He says, the line going silent.

After a few moments of silence, he says something.

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