12. Ran Away..

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- Y/n's POV -

"Sap!" You shout, tugging at the cuffs.

Elijah walks over to you, his eyes covered.

"This feels like a violation, seeing my older sister with no clothes on."

You let out a small laugh. "Yeah I could see why."

Elijah walks over to Ryan, getting close to him just as Sapnap had did before.

Karl was on the floor, trying to get Sapnap to wake up.

"Give me the keys to the cuffs," Elijah scowls.

"They're in the drawer over there," he mutters quietly, pointing at a small nightstand on the other side of the room.

Elijah walks over to the drawer and grabs the keys, taking the cuffs off of you as fast as he can.

You get up and throw your clothes back on as quickly, getting up and going over to Sapnap, leaning down next to him.

Elijah goes over to you, resting a hand on your shoulder. "Should I call the police or should you?" He whispers.

You can barely choke out a word, and Elijah takes that as a sign that he should call.

Ryan and Julia just stand there in silence with nothing to say.

You think that what Sapnap had said to them finally knocked some sense into their heads, thank god.

"911 what's your emergency?" You hear coming from Elijah's phone.

At this, Julia and Ryan look at each other with wide eyes.

"We need an ambulance and police to come as soon as possible, my older sister was kidnapped by our father and our stepmother and her boyfriend was trying to defend her and he ended up getting knocked out," He says, nearly out of breath by the time he finishes.

"Okay, we'll send an ambulance and police to your location-" The lady says, before she's cut off.

Ryan and Julia run up the stairs of the stone room.

"Oh fuck!" Elijah shouts, getting up and running after them. He hands you his phone, 911 still on the line.

"What happened?" The lady questioned.

You're barely able to muster words, just letting out choked sobs as you hold Elijah's phone in one hand and brush your hands through Sapnap's hair with the other.

"My stepmom and dad are running. My brother went to go get them."

The lady lets out a sad noise. "Are you that boy's sister?"

"Yeah," You say quietly.

She sighs. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, how old are you?"

"I'm 19, turning 20 in a few months."

The lady gasps. "Oh my god, how old is your brother?"

"He just turned 16."

The line goes quiet for a while, until the lady speaks up again.

"I'm so sorry this is all happening to you. The police and ambulances are on their way. Is your boyfriend unconscious still?"

"Yeah, he's still breathing though," You mutter, feeling a year run down your cheek.

"Okay good," She says. "The police are outside the building right now, I'm gonna let you go."

You sniffle. "Okay, thank you."

She sighs. "Of course sweetie."

And then the call ends.

You hear a lot of voices coming from upstairs. You want to go see what they are, but you can't leave Sapnap.

You hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Looking up, you see that it's Elijah.

"They got away."

You sigh. "Of course they did."

Elijah comes over to you, grabbing his phone and putting it in his pocket. "The police are looking for them now though, they think they'll be able to find them soon."

You nod.

More footsteps come from the stairs.

The paramedics. And a few officers.

The paramedics take Sapnap in the stretcher and take him up the stairs.

You're unable to move. You can't get up from where you're sitting on the cold cement floor.

"We're gonna ask the both of you some questions, okay?" One of the officers says.

You simply nod. You're not sure if you can even form words at the moment.


You're at the hospital now, sitting next to Sapnap's bed, his hand in yours.

He has a killer black eye and the doctors said he has a pretty bad concussion from when he hit the floor.

It's really late, probably around 3am. Everyone was here a few hours ago but George got tired and most of the boys went with him.

But Karl stayed here with you.

He's been pretty quiet, which you can't blame him for. I mean, his best friend is sitting in a hospital bed fully unconscious.

After such a long silence, Karl's voice pulls you from your thoughts.

"During this whole thing I guess I never had the chance to ask you.." He starts. "How are you?"

You look at him. "I guess I just don't really know what to say."

Karl sighs. "Yeah I get that, I can't imagine how many things are going through your head right now."

You nod. "Definitely. It all happened so fast,  I'm still not fully sure if this isn't all just a dream."

"It's not, y/n. I wish it was, but it's not."

Now it's your turn to sigh, the room going quiet again.

You were about to fall asleep before you realize that Sapnap's eyes are slowly starting to open.

"Holy shit, what happened?" He asks, his voice groggy.

You and Karl's eyes open widely. "Oh my god you're awake!" Karl shouts.

Sapnap grunts and holds his head in his hand. "Quiet, my head feels like it's gonna explode."

Karl laughs lightly. "My bad."

You and Sapnap meet eyes.

You can feel a tear stream down your face.

"Hey," Sapnap says softly, taking his hand to wipe the tear from the side of your face. "Don't cry, m'lady."

You sniffle, leaning your head into his hand. "I'm sorry, I just was worried you'd never wake up."

Sapnap laughs. "You think that could've killed me? Never, y/n. Sapnap never dies!" He exclaims.

You roll your eyes at him and laugh. "Look at you stealing Techno's words."

Karl laughs, too.

Sapnap scoffs. "Hey, they aren't Techno's words if they're coming out of my mouth, are they?"

You all laugh, continuing to talk for a while. 

Having Sapnap awake made you feel just a bit better.

You're just happy he's okay.

Now you just have to worry about Ryan and Julia.


word count: 1092


i cried so much writing this stop

but like, yeah

i hope you guys liked this chapter:,) make sure to vote and leave a comment telling me how i did :))

i love you all <3

- phoenix ♡︎

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