8. Karl Knows, Too..

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After you finish crying and Sapnap dries your eyes, you pick up your phone to FaceTime Silas and tell him what's going on.

"Oh fuck," He retorts, struggling to think of words for what's going on. His eyebrows are so obviously furrowed, anxiety written all over his face.

"Yeah," You sigh out.

"Should I tell Elijah?"

You go quiet for a moment, unsure of what to say.

You wanted to protect him from the truth, considering you had gone so long without having to worry about him..

"You should."

"Okay, I'll do that. How are things going with you other than that?" He asks you, adjusting himself under the covers of his bed.

You sigh. "Pretty good."

"That's good. I'm gonna go tell Elijah, I'll let you know."

You nod. "Love you."

"Love you too, y/n."

And the call ends.

Your lockscreen shows a picture of you and Sapnap, the time being 11:42 AM.

"Do you want me to draw you a warm bath?" He questions, taking his hand in your own.

You nod. "That would be nice."

"Okay, grab yourself some clothes and I'll do that," He says, going to your bathroom to start your bath.


A few hours had passed, you and Sapnap had sat in the tub for a few hours until the water got cold, and then watched movies. An average lazy day.

You guys have been having these a lot lately, which makes sense considering everything that's been going on.

Tomorrow you and Sapnap are planning to drive down to go see Silas and Elijah and tell them everything that's happening with Ryan, your so-called "father."

The whole situation was driving you insane, you had gone almost two years without that asshole budding into your life.

Sapnap looks over at you and notices you zoned-out state. "What's on your mind?"

"I just want to know how he got a hold of us. It's been almost two years since we left. And, we all blocked him on every app imaginable."

Sapnap sighs. "Y/n, you do know you're a fairly big streamer.."

You look over at him sharply. "Do you think he could've found my twitch or something? Found it out through there?"

Sapnap hesitantly looks away, nodding his head slowly.

"Shit," you mutter to nobody.

"We can figure this out."

You nod, throwing yourself into his chest and letting out soft sobs that you didn't even know you were holding back.

After what felt like hours, you hear a knock at the door.

"Come in," Sapnap says.

The door opens as you lift your head up. Karl was at the door, his eyes sad and eyebrows furrowed.

"What's going on? You guys have been so.." He starts. "So isolated."

He comes in the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Y/n is going through some family stuff right now.." Sapnap lets out, making Karl gasp.

"Y/n did your dad contact you?" He questions, making you nod.

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