Chapter Ten;

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It's been a week since Sebastian has been suspended and I've been quite lonely at school honestly. I'm used to all the pestering and the stress he tends to give me, that I no longer know how to function other wise. I won't dare tell him this though, he already has a huge ego as it is. I am in no place to add to it.

I wonder what he is up to at the moment, as I'm stuck here at school. I probably don't actually want to know what he is doing, but it's interesting to think about. He's probably doing the unthinkable. I told him I would drop by later on today and bring him his work. I only did this because, it's my fault he got suspended, I'm not trying to be nice in any way.

Gym is more traumatic without Sebastian. It's like throwing a lamb into a pack of wild wolves. I, being the lamb, and my classmates, being the wolves. They're as vicious as them. They take gym allot more serious than me, honestly, it's just gym class. There is no need to act like your life depends on winning this volleyball game between classmates, that is not counted for anything.

As I get dressed in the dressing room, I hear them gossip about the prior events between, Sebastian, Claude, and I. I shouldn't be surprised, the youth enjoy useless topics to talk about that doesn't concern them in any way. There was one thing I heard that surprised me.

''You know, that Claude only beat up Ciel was because, he thought Ciel and Sebastian were dating.'' I hear a male voice says.

''They are close. Ciel doesn't talk to anyone else, heck, I forgot he came here. I only fount out what his name was about two months ago.'' Another male voice replies.

I walk out of the stall and hurry pass them, knowing that my presence was oblivious to them. I walk to my locker and go to the car waiting for me. As I ride home, I remember I have to go to Sebastian's.

We pull into the driveway and I see a person standing by the door. I wonder who that could be. As we get closer, I finally see who is at my manor. Sebastian.

As I get out of the car, I see a grin grow on that face of his. I walk up to him, with a concerned look. I don't even know what he is up to now. I can't even explain the possibilities. When I get near enough to him, my amount of concern grows.

''Hello, Ciel!'' He exclaims, his voice booming through the area.

''What are you doing here, again?'' I plainly ask.

''No need to be rude! I decided that we're going Halloween shopping. Because, I decided we're trick or treating this year together.''

''And you decided all this on your own?''

''Yes. You can't disagree with me on this. Come on, let's go.''

And somehow, he actually dragged me to a costume shop against my will. I did try to get out of his strong grasp, but to no surprise, I was nothing compared to him. We walk through the several aisles of the store and look at the numerous costume options. I'd like to go for something eerie and uncanny, something that would scare a small child. Possibly a vampire or even a zombie.

I urn my attention to Sebastian, who's eyeing a costume out of my eye's range. I walk up to him and see what he's holding his hands. He turns to me, with a slight gleam in his eyes. He lifts up the costume, revealing it's contents. What this moron has in his hands is a feline costume. A small one. How does he plan to fit in a costume made for a child? He's like a titan.

''Ciel.'' He purrs,while chills go down my spine.

''What.'' I spat back at him.

''We're friends,right?''

''I suppose.''

''And friends do stuff for friends, right?''

''I don't see why not.''

''Then, can you do one thing for me?''

''It depends.''

He slips the costume to me, keeping a straight face.

''I want you to try this on.''

''No! No! I am not trying this on. Why would I?''

''Because, you'd look adorable dressed as a kitten.''

I feel my face grow hot out of embarrassment. I don't see why I can't simply try on the costume, it's an easy task.

''I will try it on.'' I say, snatching the costume out of his hands and walking myself to the dressing room.

I enter the dressing room, not daring to make eye contact with the other people in the store. I open the bag and slide out the costume. I undress myself and slip on the costume, zipping it up from the back, which wasn't a easy task. I take the hood and put it over my head, making it appear as if I had cat ears. I look at myself in the mirror, wondering what I'm doing with my life. I open the door only letting my head pop out the crack. I don't see Sebastian any where. I whisper his name, so I don't cause attention to myself. In a flash, the door slams open, showing a delighted Sebastian. He drags me ot of the room and just glares at me up and down.

''This should be your Halloween costume.'' He finally declares.

''I don't want to be a feline. I'm allergic.'' I reply.

''It's not like you're actually a cat, it's just a costume. You look so endearing in this. Please?''

I sigh. I know no matter what I say or do, I will end up buying this costume. There is no way out of it. But, I think of something myself.

''Since you picked my custom, I will pick yours.''

''Okay, go ahead.''

I walk away from and get changed back into my usual attire. After, I look through the aisles, looking at the options that I can choose from that will actually fit him. Then I see the perfect thing for him. I pick it up and walk back where I left him. I can tell my evil grin is showing, by the uneasy look on Sebastian's face. I hand him the costume, feeling as if I won.

''A butler suit?'' He asks.

''Yes. You'll wear this, come on, I want to go home.''

''But, I want to spend as much time with you as possible.''

''What?''I say, not hearing him.

''Nothing, let's go.''

Author's note- I feel as if this chapter is garbage, if you would like me to rewrite it I will. Just comment and tell me.

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