Chapter Fourteen;

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The weather is becoming more chilled, indicating winter is approaching. I have never been fond of winter honestly. I find it as a nuisance, I have to bundle up to avoid the vicious temperatures. The snow comes up to my knees most of the season and I end up falling in it, trying to avoid it. And since I have such a small body, my body becomes colder faster. I'm just glad it hasn't started to snow out. I can enjoy these last few weeks without the snow.

I look back down to my notes and continue to write down my sentence. I look over to Alois, who is currently drawling Claude. Shivers come down my spine when I see the drawling. Alois must miss him though, even if Claude never really noticed him before.

I turn my attention to Sebastian. I still can't seem to shake off the kiss he planted on me the other day. I mean, it was my first kiss. My very first kiss. He catches me glaring at him and gives me the same smirk he usually does, but I don't mind. I love his silly smirks.

''Mr.Phantomhive! Are you paying attention?'' The teacher screams.

''Y-yes, Sir!'' I say, startled.

''Oh, that's good. How about you tell the class what I just explained?''

I can sense everyone staring at me. I don't envy this feeling, I don't want their useless attention. All it does is cause stress and anxiety.

''Well?'' The teacher interrupts my thoughts.

I hear the surrounding students snicker at me, causing me to shake the slightest.

''He wasn't paying attention, maybe if he stopped being a fag he would've.'' A student said.

''He was probably thinking of some anime perverted shit, only perverts watch that garbage.'' Another student replied.

''That's enough!'' The teacher yelled.

Soon, Sebastian began to yell and shout to the students. Without thinking, I packed up my belongings and exited the room without making a sound or showing the slightest of emotion. Even down the hallways, I can hear Sebastian threaten the students that he will beat them to a bloody pulp. He hasn't realized I left, I'm assuming.

I go to my locker and put on my jacket. I continue to walk down the hallways, towards the exit. I don't know what I'm doing, I just know I don't want to be here. I know people tend to dislike me, but I didn't know they viewed me so poorly.

I exit the school and out of the parking lot. I walk to the place I used to go when I was younger. I walk down the sidewalk, until I reach the park. I walk down to the nearest trail and find the tree I've been going to since I've came here. I never left the house often, but when I did, it was to come here and calm down my nerves. I sit under the tree, which is vast and dark color of brown. I drop my stuff and slump against the trees.

I know I shouldn't care what those swines spit out at me, but for some reason it bothered me today. Today is a prime example of why I dislike most humans in the human race. I never fit in with them and always felt left out of the crowd. Therefore, I stopped trying. I stopped almost all interactions to other humans, I relied on characters who actually filled me with gaiety and joy. Humans only disappoint me, I don't need them. Except for one. One stands out from all the others. I don't know how and why, but he does.

''Ciel!'' I hear a familiar voice exclaim.

''Ciel!'' I her the same voice yell even louder and closer.

''Cie- Oh, here you are!'' Sebastian says, running towards me.

''How in the world did you manage to find me?'' I ask.

''I honestly don't know. But, are you okay?''

''Why wouldn't I be?'' I say, smirking.

''I know what they said had even the smallest effect on you, you don't need to lie to me.''

''Why would I let some local swines get to me? Who do you take me for? A fool?''

Sebastian walks closer to me and takes a strong grip to both my wrist.

''Why do you always think you have to do everything alone? You have me now. I'll be here for you. I know what they said to you hurt you. I know that their words brought you down and I know you probably want to cry. Forget your pride for one minute and let you emotions run wild. Let them spill out of you for once in you life, you don't have to keep everything in.''

His grip on my wrist loosens and his hands and arms wrap around me, pulling me in for an embrace. He brings us down to the ground and fixes me unto his lap, so my head is on his shoulder and his arms are loosely held against my waist.

I didn't think I'd actually cry, but before I know it, I feel tears rush down my cheeks. I feel Sebastian's arms become tighter. He rubs his hand down and up my back, calming me down as if I was a child. I soak the shoulder of his shirt with my pathetic tears.

After my scene, I rub the my wet eyelids and sniffle a tad bit. I look up and am met with Sebastian, again, as always. This time he has a different face. Instead of his usual cocky smirk, it looks as if he has a genuine smile spread across his face.

''What are you so happy about?''I ask.

''I guess I'm glad that you're becoming more open with me. It makes me happy.''


''And, Ciel.''


''Don't listen to them. You're prefect, no matter what you do. I will still love you, even if choose to watch anime your whole life and forget about me. Just remember to do what makes you happy and if reading manga and watching anime makes you happy, do it. I love to see your happy, I just hope one day I can make a real smile form on your face like those characters.''

''Why are you so nice to me?''

''Because, I love you.''

I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper words I know he will never hear, words only meant for my ears.

''And,I think I may be falling in love with you.''

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