Chapter Eighteen;

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New Years is today and Sebastian says he has something in stored for the occasion. It sounds stirring to do something on New Years, maybe because it's the first time in a while I'm doing something for this holiday.

He said he'd pick me up around seven, it's six now, so I should get ready. I've been putting it off all day. I drag myself out of my computer chair and walk over to my closet. I suppose my Psycho Pass shirt will do and a pair of jeans. I could wear matching socks for once, look more decent than usual.

I get dress, comb through my hair, brush my teeth, and slide on a pair of sneakers. By the time I'm done, it's six forty. What should I do for twenty minutes? I lay down on my bed and shorty I fall asleep.

''Ciel, wake up.'' I hear someone say.

''Never.'' I reply.

''I will drag you out of this bed.''

''Do it.''

Right as my words escape my mouth, I feel hands wrap around my ankles and pull me off my bed. Who ever did that has forced me to slam onto the floor. I jump to my feet and get ready to say some words to who ever just did that, when I notice it's just Sebastian.

''You didn't have to actually drag me.'' I mummer.

''You told me to.''

''I was half asleep.''

''Well, now that you're up, let's go.''

Sebastian and I exit my room and walk to the door. I inform my aunt I'm leaving and we quickly walk out of the house, so we can avoid any useless chit chat from her. We get into the car and he starts to drive us to where ever we're going.

''I forgot to ask this, but where are we going?'' I ask.

''I thought we'd go to the aquarium. It may be odd for New Years, but they always stay open late for it. I thought it'd be a fun idea.''

''That actually does sound fun.''

''Good. Haha.''

The rest of the car ride was decent, we mostly talked and listened to music. I noticed Sebastian enjoys a lot of music I didn't expect him to, like classical music. I also fount out his favorite color, it's red. And his favorite food is cheese pizza. It was enjoyable to learn more about him.

He pulls into an empty parking space and stops the car. He both take our seat belts and continue our talking, while exiting the car. I saw that there wasn't many people here. It is New Years and I doubt many people would spend it at an aquarium.

We walk inside and buy our tickets. The thing I really want to see is the Sea Turtles. I find them adorable. They remind me of Finding Nemo. After I watched that movie, I became effectuated with them when ever I went to and aquarium.

''What do you want to see first?'' Sebastian asked.

''The Sea Turtles.''

His face turned to a slight frown when I said that and he looked as if he was thinking of something.

''How about we see those last?'' He asked.

''Sure.'' I said.

''Want to see the sting rays?'' He asked.


We looked for the sting rays and fount them. We admired them for a bit and started to look at all the other type of under water creatures. Some looked ghastly, while others looked pleasant. It was educational, there were some creatures that were unknown to me. I knew most, but there were a few that I was oblivious to.

Throughout everything, I still wanted to see the sea turtles. I honestly can't wait to see them. I wonder why Sebastian wanted to see them last though.

''Want to get something to eat? They have a food court.'' He asked.


We went to the food court and ordered the unhealthy food they had and sat down at one of the many empty tables. We ate and talked about what each other liked some more and fount out more about one another. We also talked about each other's New Year's revelation. I seemed to be the only one who didn't have one. I never actually had one before, I didn't see the point in it.

''So, how about those sea turtles?'' I asked after we were done eating.

''Okay, we can go see them now.''

I felt a rush of excitement. I wouldn't display my excitement though, that would be way too embarrassing. We walked over to the sea turtles and I was immediately attached to them. But, something was bothering me. Sebastian kept his distance and seemed nervous. Is he afraid of sea turtles?

''Hey. Are you afraid of sea turtles?'' I asked.

''No. That's not it.''

I heard a tap on the glass and turned around. I saw someone in a scuba suit holding a sign. As I read the sign, my eyes shot open. The sign read ''Will you be my boyfriend?''.

I turn back around and looked at Sebastian, who had a smug look on his face. So, this is why he wanted to see the sea turtles last.

''Ciel, I know you may not know how to respond. I want you to know that I truly love you and desire to be with you always. I accept you for who you are and I like who you are. I like your obsession with anime and manga, the nervousness you get when you're around me, the small smile you try to hide when you find something funny. I want to be with you, will you be my boyfriend?''

I really want to be with him. I never felt this way towards another human and he made me realize that I can like some one who isn't fictional. He does actually make me happy and he tries so hard to make sure I'm content. I think this may be what I've always lacked in my life, true passion for another.


He walked over to me and hugged me.

''I'm so happy.'' He whispered.

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