Chapter Seventeen;

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Christmas Eve is always hectic at the manor. My aunt enjoys to go crazy and have everyone spend the night together, usually ending in disaster. I remember last Christmas Eve she ended up forcefully dressing Finny as a female. She later apologized for her actions, but that's beyond the point.

I would wear a more festive attire, but I only own anime merchandise and jeans. I guess that's one of the many struggles an average anime fan is dealt with.

''Ciel! Come down here, you're going to miss all the fun!'' I hear my aunt screech.

I pick up all the gifts I previously bought for everyone, leaving Sebastian's behind. I didn't think about this, but I probably won't see him till after Christmas. I walk downstairs where everyone is gathered around and ready to put their gifts under the tree.

''Young master, I've bought you the best present this year, yes I did!'' Meyrin informs me.

''As did I.'' I say, hoping I actually bought her an okay gift.

I gently put my presents under the Christmas tree. Backing away from the tree, I notice how noble the tree looks this year. The lights gleam of the presents, causing a striking image of a classic holiday come to mind.

I do wish Sebastian was here, even though it may sound as if I'm clingy. I'm just used to his constant company. He is always around me, if I want him to be or not. People must think we're a couple.

I look over to my intoxicated aunt dancing to no music.

''Aunt, can you at least dance to music?'' I ask.

''The music is on!''She replies.

I simply sigh and sit down on a near by couch. At least there's sweets to snack on. I'm taking a guess that Aunt Red made the sweets this year, considering they're all red. Red is considered a Christmas color, so I won't complain.

I watch as the servants go along with the mischief of Aunt Red's plans. They are quite a group to watch, especially Snake. He seems the most into her plans. He may not seem like it, but he doesn't enjoy spending time with the other servants, my Aunt, and I.

I get up and sneak back into my room. They're far too busy to notice I'm gone. I get into my room and get ready for bed, all that partying has me beat.

I'm awoken by the sounds of my bedroom door being knocked upon. I drag myself out of bed and open the door. It's Sebastian, holding a wrapped present in his hands.

''Merry Christmas!'' He exclaims.

''Have you ever heard of sleeping?'' I reply.

''Come on, it's already eleven. I came to give you your present.''

''Oh, wait downstairs. I'm sure the rest of the household is waiting for me to open presents with them.''


He walks away and I shut my door. I guess it isn't so odd he is here, it is Christmas morning and he came to exchange presents. I'm sure that is what most people do with their friends. I walk over to where I left his wrapped present and pick it up. I don't feel like getting decent, so I'll just stay in my night attire.

As I make my way downstairs, I hear the servants and my aunt try to make Sebastian feel at home. It is humorous to listen in on their conversations at times. I walk into the living room and sit down near the tree, where everybody else is sat down.

The first to hand out everyone gifts is Aunt Red. She hands everyone their gifts and warns them to be careful while opening them. She despises the thought of wrapping paper being ripped, which is why I question her using wrapping paper in the first place. A confusing woman she is.

I open my gift and am rather surprised.

''Wow, thank you Aunt.'' I tell her.

''You like it? That makes me happy!''

I wish I actually knew what it was, it just seems to be a figure of a robot. But, it looks strange in some way. Well, at least she tried.

Everyone goes one at a time handing out gifts. I got a novel from Bard, a toy car from Finny, a pair of unneeded glasses from William, a unknown manga from Meyrin, and a pair of slippers from Snake. Normal gifts this year, that relieves me.

I hand out everyone their gifts. I got Meyrin a new pair of combat boots, I got Finny a book on how to maintain a garden, I got Bard new knives for the kitchen, I got William a new pair of driving gloves, and I got snake a bag. The one he bought is ridiculously big.

After I exchanged gifts with the servants and my aunt, they decided to go on and eat breakfast while Sebastian and I exchange out presents.

''Here.'' I say, nudging the gift to him.

He unwraps it, revealing the games we bought together.

''I thought these were for your cousin.''He said.

''I lied. I didn't know what to get you. Hope you don't mind.''

''I don't mind at all, thank you so much.''

He hands me his present to me. I open the gift, it's a few mangas, called Love Stage. It appears to be yaoi. I never told him I liked yaoi though.

''Thank you, why yaoi though?'' I ask.

''No reason, no reason at all.'' He replies, with a smirk.

''Thank you though. I've seen the anime, but I haven't read the manga yet.''

''That's good. I was afraid you've already read it.''

I hear something, but I don't know what. Almost as if it's a low whisper. I look around and try to find the source of the unknown sound. That is when I notice shadows under the door leading to the kitchen. I signal Sebastian to keep on talking, so they wouldn't know I'm creeping up on the door.

I get close enough to the door and open it, making five servants and an aunt fall to the floor.

''What are you guys doing?'' I ask.

''We were curious on what you guy got each other, no harm in ease dropping right?'' Aunt Red asks.

''If you guys were so curious, why didn't you wit to eat breakfast until everyone opened their gifts?''

They all exchange looks, knowing I was correct. Sometimes, I think they all lack a brain.

''We should go eat breakfast now then. You guys coming?'' Aunt Red asks Sebastian and I.

''Sure.'' I reply.

Sebastian and I walk towards the opened door, there appears to be something hanging from it though. It's red and green.

Before I can pass through the door, Sebastian takes a hold of my hand and turns me around. He leans in quickly and kisses upon my lips.

''What was that for?'' I ask, clearly confused.

''Mistoletoe.'' He says, pointing to the object hanging from the door.

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