Chapter Eleven;

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Today is Halloween, which means today is the day Sebastian and I will go trick or treating. For some odd reason I'm ardent of the idea of trick or treating. I haven't done so since I was a child, with my mother and father. My memory of the event is vague, but I remember how my parents wouldn't let me eat all my candy in one night, that angered me with childish emotions. I find the memory humorous and am grateful I still have the vague memory in my mind till this day.

I walk out of the school, heading to my ride. I am especially pleased that Halloween is on a Friday. I get into the car and William talks to me about his costume he plans on wearing at my Aunt's Halloween ball tonight. I try to act amused, I'd hate to discourage him. He babbles on how he plans to be a grim reaper, interesting. I never thought he'd be something so bold, for his dull personality.

When we get to the manor, I quickly dash to my room. It's three thirty-five now and Sebastian is going to be here at six, that gives me around two hours to read manga. I barge through my own bedroom door and throw my stuff on the ground. I'm sure I'll get it later, or not. I plump myself on my bed and grab the manga I left on my bed stand last night. I admire the cover that reads, Darker Than Black. I open it up and read to my heart's content.

I look over to the clock and notice I should be getting ready. I'm not so enthusiastic to be wearing a feline costume. My servants and aunt are never going to let this go. I undress myself and I slip on the the costume, one foot at a time. I bring it over my body and manage to zip it from the back. I bring up the hood and look at myself in the mirror.

I hear my door knock and Meyrin comes in.

''Young Master, you have a visitor, yes you do.'' She states.

''Bring him in.''

''And, Young master.''


''Aren't you allergic to cats?''

''Just bring him in, would you?''

She leaves and comes back with who I expected it to be. A butler dressed in all black. Well, that was his costume, the person was actually a moron by the name of Sebastian. He looks handsome in his costume, really handsome actually.

''Are you ready to go, kitten?'' He asks.

''Indeed I am, butler.''

I grab my pillow case and walk out the door with Sebastian. I can tell all the servants are eyeing us, most likely because of the costumes. I bid them goodbye and head out the door, with Sebastian following right behind.

''What direction do you want to go to first?'' I ask.

''We can go left and work our way from there. Is that okay?''


As we trick or treat, we get deadly stares from parents with their small children. We get cold stares from their children, who question us. I should have expected this. We seem to be the only teenagers out trick or treating tonight. I thought teenagers love trick or treating, that's what almost every manga and anime has taught me.

We go door to door, asking complete strangers for candy and enjoy or night. We must have been trick or treating for two hours, before Sebastian stopped. He turned to me, with a look I'm not used to in his eyes. He takes my wrist and drags me to a less busy area.

''Ciel, I have to say something.'' I finally breath out.

He actually looks nervous. I never seen such an expression from him before.

''And that is?'' I ask him.

He takes a few breaths.


''Go on.''

''I think I may have fallen in love with you.''

My heart immediately stops and sinks. I feel myself tremble from the prior words that have spelled out of his mouth. The only think I know what to do is run, run fast. I turn around and run as fast as possible, with a screaming Sebastian following behind. He gets side tracked by a few groups of children, giving me an advantage. I run and run until I reach the manor. When I open the door, I can tell Sebastian is right behind me now.

If I go in my room, he is sure to find me. With that I run in the crowd of visitors. I swarm pass several people and find a table. I slide under it and make myself unnoticeable. I listen as Sebastian gets stopped, being mistaken for an actual servant at least five times.

Why did I run? What he said didn't hurt me, nor offend me. It didn't make me sad at all. It didn't make me feel empty inside or anything of the sort. So, why am I under this table?

I see Sebastian as an equal. I like the idea of spending time with him and being around him. I enjoy his corny jokes and his evil smirks. I love the complements he tend to throw at me constantly. I don't love him, but this feeling is something more than you would feel for an average friend.

I see the table cloth be lifted and Sebastian slides under the table. He brings his knees to his chest, not letting that look of his face. What do I do?



''I know what you're feeling.''

''You do?''

''I know you've been through a lot. I know you isolate yourself from other people, never letting them in. You're not used to different emotions, it confuses you and makes you unable to think properly. You can't comprehend human emotions like others, so when I confessed to you, your mind panicked. I know you may not feel the same way, Ciel. I understand. But, that won't stop me from at least trying to make you love me. One day, you'll say you love me. I'm ready to wait as long as it takes. So, you don't even have to say anything right now, I'll still be by your side, rather you like it or not.''



''I may not love you, but I do hold some sort of special feelings towards you.''

''Come on, let's go back to trick or treating. Okay?''

''That would be great.''

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