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Atsushi's P.O.V:

It's just a normal day with the ADA today... Dazai is teasing with Kunikida as always... Ranpo is eating with his snacks...Tanizaki and Naomi just doing uhhh... Kenji and Kyouka just walking around at the ADA... While me having a period which is I'm not into the mood... Yosano-san is noticing that I'm not into the mood right now... Well Kyouka-chan knows that I'm a girl because we lived together...

Until Kunikida grabbed something and give it to Dazai-san and saying something..And Dazai-san came to my direction

"Atsushi-kun~" said Dazai with a happy tone.

"Yes?" I said with a calm tone controlling my mood.

"Kunikida said you have a mission at the ******** ********".

"Wait... isn't that the abounded hospital?" I said staring at him.

" Yes!" he said while giving me the envelope.

"But why tho?" I said while grabbing the envelope.

"Why are you scared~?" He said with he's annoying teasing voice.


"Whoa jeez are you on a period or something?" He said in a teasing way again.

"Uhhh...No" I said while turning around to go to the door.

"And oh some of the port mafia members will be helping you for the mission Atsushi-kun~!" He said joyfully...

I just wave at him at the sign of yes...

Dazai's P.O.V:

After Atsushi-kun left..I sat on my chair
and go back to Kunikida's direction..

"Hey Kunikida-kun" I said while looking at the door..

"What do you want?" He said in annoyed voice.

"Do you think Atsushi-kun is a girl?" I said in suspiciously.

He stopped typing and look at me..

"Are you serious? Why would you say that?"

"I don't know..."I said while thinking.

He just sigh and he's about to go back to his work when I think of something.

"Hey Kunikida-kun let's make a bet!" I said with my happy tone

"And what kind of bet is that?"

"Let's make a bet about Atsushi-kun!...If I'am right that "he's" a girl you have to buy me a suicidal book...and if you're right just do whatever you do to me."


"Then let the bet begin!"

Atsushi's P.O.V:

I'm already at the abounded hospital which is kinda feel me a bit comfortable for some reason...

Until I realized what Dazai-san said that there some of the member in the Port mafia will help me to this mission...

And I saw a familiar black coat and a face...Till I realized it was Akutagawa...


Akutagawa's P.O.V:

I was just standing on the wall waiting some members in the ADA until I heard a familiar voice..then I turn around to see Jinko with a confusion face...And I kinda found it cute--WAIT WHAT?

"What are you doing here?" I said with a cold tone.

"Uhh I was about to ask you the same question?".


"Anyway I'm not into the mood right now so let's just finish this mission and I want to eat something sweet after this mission." He said.

"Jeez is he in the period?" I said to my thoughts."



"What's with the envelope?" I asked.

"Oh this I don't know Dazai-san just give it to me-"..


Atsushi's P.O.V:

A sounds of explosion got our attention. We run to the 3rd floor where the explosion was...

Then suddenly I saw a familiar boy that has coffee brown hair color and with Dark blue eyes.

"Long time no see Azami" the boy said with a annoying smirk.

"Azami?" Akutagawa ask

"Who the fuck is Azami?!" I asked him and acting confused.

"Oh you think I'm dumb?" He said while walking towards me.


"Now tell me Azami why do you dressed up like a boy and you change your name into "Atsushi".. isn't that your brother's name?" He said while he's hand is exploring through my face to hair to remove my wig...

I just stayed quiet until he removed my wig and fixed my hair...

"There you go...you look much better...Zami".

The word "Zami" makes me shocked and it's familiar until I realized who he is...

"Y-Y-You're T-Toshi r-right?" I said with a shaky voice..

"I see you finally remembered me".

Until Akutagawa shouted in realization...



I know I didn't write this at the announcement chapter that Atsushi's real name is Azami in this story and the Atsushi name is her dead brother that died from cancer in the orphanage..So I'm sorry I forgot to announce it(≧(エ)≦ )...So anyway see you guys in the next Chapter!


"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now