"I love you too Ryuu..."+ Azami and Toshi's past

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This chapter contains:
R@pe(I actually don't know cause I'm not good making this stuffs hehe-)
Teenage pregnancy
Sexual Harass?

If your not comfortable to this chapter you can leave or go the next chapter or something... But enjoy~!
Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

"Aly meet Toshi... Your father..."

Aly looked at me with a shocked face and at the same time confused and it's kinda cute as I looked at my back to see Ryuu giving a dead glare of Toshi ad my brother... Well I don't know...

"He's my daddy?" Aly asked me. As I nod.

"Yey you finally tell me!" Aly said with a happy tone which made me surprised.

"You...knew?" I asked Aly as she nod.

"My ability is that I can hear someones deepest secret!" Aly said to me and I was completely shocked I don't even know that she has an ability-.

"And Daddy knows it!" She said once again as I looked at Ryuu and I looked back Aly.

"Okay... Wanna go and hang out with your dad?" I asked and she nod and put her down as she went to Toshi and Toshi who was happy to meet her.

Toshi's P.O.V:

Amy put down Aly so that she can come with me and she came in front of me as I bend down as she smiled at me and I smiled back to her.

"Nice to meet you papa!" Aly said to me as I was shocked but I'm happy that she called me 'papa'

"Nice to meet you too Aly..." I said as I give her the white tiger keychain as her she grabbed it.

"Nice to see you again Takahashi-kun!"

Someone greet me with a familiar voice as I look at the person who greet me and it's Amy's brother... Atsuhi...

"Mind explaining how you got my sister pregnant when I was out of the orphanage?"

As I gulp...

~Time skip~

Nobody's P.O.V♡:

Gojo,Azami and Toshi are on the café while Akutagawa and Aly are on the mall.

At Gojo,Azami and Toshi:

Even Gojo has a blindfold on his eyes You can tell he's giving Toshi's a dead glare as Toshi took a deep breath abd same with Azami.

"Well... Mind explaining now?"

And Toshi nod.

{Beginning of the flashback}

"Bet?" Some other teenager said.

"But... I promise to her brother to protect her..." Toshi said

"Well her brother is dead anyway... I'll give you anything you want just do this bet"


"If you don't touch her I'll touch her then."

"No no no! Don't touch Zami..."

"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now