"Found you at last"

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Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

"I like you.. Azami-san.."


That was the only word I can say.. I mean... He's my crush since the first day I met him but ever since Akutagawa came to my life same as Aly and after the fight against the leader of the guilt... I slowly developing feelings to Akutagawa and I'm ignoring the fact that I also have feelings for Tanizaki-kun back then...




I couldn't speak until I breathe to calm myself...

"Tanizaki-kun... Your a nice man... You care for your sister and to your coworkers..But your confess is too late now.." I said feeling nervous...

"W-what do you mean?"

"Look.. I have a crush on you when the first time I met you... But..."


"Someone took your place..."

"W-who?" He said.. I let out a breathe again...

"He's... Akutagawa..."

"T-that boy?"

"Yeah..He took your place and I can't find a reason why...so I'm sorry Tanizaki-kun.."

"I-it's fine...I know you will reject me..

"Oh..uhm.. Right!"

I grabbed something on my pocket and I gave it to Tanizaki-kun..

"A love letter?"


"what am I supposed to do this? He asked me

~Flash back~

At Atsushi/Azami's house:


"Well then got to go-"

Before I could go Akutagawa grabbed my hand..

"Wait..who is that coworker are you gonna meet exactly?"

"Oh..He's name is Tanizaki-kun.."

"Oh..can you give this to him?" He said while grabbing a love letter..

"A love letter?"

"Yeah..my sister just gave it to me and she said that she just got from her partner in crime and gave it to you if you're gonna meet him.."

"Oh okay! I'll make sure this love letter will get to him!" I sai while putting the love letter on my pocket..

"Okay thanks.."

"No problem"

~End of the flash back~

"So yeah.."


"Anyway got to go see you in uhh...months?"


"Well me and Akutagawa have mission 2 days later"

"Oh okay..well see you!"

I waved at him and left..

"You seems to be happy to him..."

~Time skip:Two days later~

Akutagawa's P.O.V

As we waited the train..Aly hold my hand and I look at her as she smiled at me and I smiled back and Jinko is finally back from the bathroom and perfect timing the train is here... We sat down and a few minutes the train started moving...it's only 48 minutes ride from Yokohama to Tokyo...

(A/N:Thanks to google that I know how long will take if you are gonna visit Tokyo and you are from Yokohama😌✨)

And I'm surprised Aly fall asleep in my shoulder and jinko suddenly whisper..

"You might be surprised that Aly fall asleep just in 20 minutes...she really gets bored on the trip so that's why she fall asleep"

"oh okay.." I said and I put my hand to play with her hair gently..

~Time skip~

Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

It's been 28 minutes and we are already in Tokyo,Aly is still sleeping on Akutagawa's shoulder so Akutagawa just carrying her all the way to the hotel...

As we check in to the hotel Akutagawa put Aly carefully to the bed..As he come sit next to me..

"You're being a father to Aly..And happy for that.." I said while looking at my phone..

"Uhh..Thank you?..Just one question Jinko"


"Why do Aly wanted to call me "Daddy?" He asked,as I stop chatting Dazai-san..

"She wanted a father for the long time since we moved in Yokohama.."



"Nothing just curious.."


After a bit of talk I check my phone and I read Dazai-san's 15 text,I sigh and I stand up..

"Going for a walk for now..Can you?"

"Yup I can.."

"Thank you.." As I walk to the door and took a walk for awhile..

Third person's P.O.V:

It's been 15 minutes since Azami is walking,and she found a cute tiger plushy...

"Aly will love this" Said to get thoughts..

As she entered the store someone bump into her with White hair and his eyes are covered with a black mask(?)

She immediately say sorry and the boy said "No worries" as the boy walk away and Azami is just going to the detection where the Tiger plushy was...

"Found you at last..." Said the boy..


"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now