"Can I talk to you Zami?"

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A/N:Eyy I'm back for another Chapter!Sorry I couldn't post this chapter this past few weeks cause of school and other stuffs so ye I hope you understand it:)

Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

Whe Dazai-san and nee-san said when are we getting married I can feel my face burning I don't know how to react to them as Ryuu finally talk

"Soon right Amy?" Ryu said it while facing me and I blush even more but I just nod and Dazai-san and nee-san just sigh and chuckles

"Alright we'll be waiting" Nee-san said as I finally calm down

Time skip!

Akutagawa's P.O.V:

Me and Jinko just walking going back to her house as I hear a familiar voice 

"Akutagawa-senpai?" it was Higuchi.

"hey..." I just say on a calm tone

"who's this girl?"


"so it's real your a girl" And jinko just nod as I sigh and Jinko's hand 

"Well will get going then see you..." I said and me and jinko walk 

"I see you change..."

"you never said to me 'see you' " 

"As long your happy... I'm also happy"


As we went home Alicia greet us same with Kyouka who seems tired and Jinko put Aly on the bed and she change her cloth and I was in the living room reading the book I was reading  and she goes to the living and she rest her head to shoulder.

"Something wrong?" I asked 

"No but I have a feeling something going to happen tomorrow" as she yawn 


"wanna go to sleep?" and Jinko nod I stand up she was about to stand up when I carry her in a bridal style 


"what? I want to carry my future wife~" I said teasing her as she blush punching gently my chest and I just giggling as she stop and wrap her arms around my neck 

"let's go" and I smile

The next day:

Azami/Atsushi's P.O.V:

I wake up early and I have a feeling that something is about gonna happen today but I just ignore it I do my routine and get dress as I was cooking breakfast I feel someone hugging me I was about to stab the when that person speak 

"it's just me JInko" Ryuu said

"good thing you speak or else I already stab you" 

I heard Ryuu giggled

"If you stab e and I die you'll gonna miss me~" 

"Just shut up..." as Ryu laugh a but as he buried his face on my neck as I continue chopping the green onions 

It's already 1:00 in the afternoon and me and Kyouka-chan goes to the grocery store as I told to Kyouka that I'll just buy something as someone grabbed my arm as I saw Toshi...

"Can I talk to you Zami?"

Sorry if it's short(?)



"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now