Christmas Special

213 7 13

Atsushi/Azami's P. O. V:

It's finally Christmas and I was thinking what gift should I give to Ryuu and I've been thinking for 2 weeks and I groan.

"What's wrong Azami-chan?" Dazai-san asked me...

"Nothing just thinking what give should I give to Ryuu..."

As Dazai-san put down his book and looked at me.

"You know you ask me or your brother"

"My brother is busy..."

"Is that so..."

"Well I'm just gonna asked you then... "

"Go on"

"What gift should I gave him?"

As I saw Dazai-san's smirk and it made me gulp a little as he put his hands on his chin.

"Fuck you Dazai-san!"
Akutagawa's P.O.V:

The sun was on my face and it ruined my rest! I just sigh I slowly open my eyes and adjusting the brightness as my eyes are finally open I saw... Jinko? On the bed with a ribbon around her and a paper from her forehead and some tape on her mouth—and she's in a costume...



"Wait I'm gonna help you-"

First I remove the tape on her mouth.and I untie the ribbon after I untie it she stand up.


"Mind explaining how you get in that situation?"

"Well... I was thinking what gift should I gave you as I asked Dazai-san about and... He make me wear this costume and put some tape on my month and a ribbon so ye that's how I ended in that situation..."

I chuckled at her story.

"You know you don't have too.."


"I already have a gift..."

"Eh? But I haven't-"

"It's you and Aly... Your my gifts"


As I went closer to her and put my both hands to her cheeks and I kiss her lips it's bit just long probably only a peck (if that's you called it-)

"Merry Christmas Amy..."

I smiled and I put my forehead to hers,and I saw her smiling.

"Marry Christmas to you too Ryuu"

Third person's P.O.V:

The port mafia and the ADA are celebrating the Christmas together..

Mori and Fukuzawa (They are married in this story and Mori is also a female) are watching there employees.

"They looked happy..." Mori said.

"Yeah and almost our employees are dating..."

And Mori nod by sipping her wine.

"Anyway... Where's Miyuki?" Fukuzawa asked her wife.

"Your daughter said she's busy at the hos-"

"Father! Miyuki is here~" Ruka said (Ranpo and Fukuzawa adopt her)

As the old married couple looked each other.

"Marry Christmas! And Happy birthday to me!" Miyuki and with her parents.

"I thought your busy at the hospital?"

"Well my boyfriend said I should go to this Christmas party and it's my birthday today anyway-" Miyuki

"Well... Merry Christmas to you too my love and Happy birthday" Fukuzawa said as he kissed her daughter's cheeks.

"Thanks Father!" As Miyuki grabbed her older sister's hand and started to hangout together.

As the couple giggled at their children having fun.
The party seems go well they have fun a lot and some chaotic scenes happening...

A/N: Hello there! So I already posted this chapter cause tomorrow and in the date of Christmas is I'm gonna be busy so I decided to post early... So Happy early Christmas you'll!!


"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now