"Aly meet Toshi... Your father..."

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A/N:Hello there my lovely readers♡ So manage to pose another chapter- Even I'm kind of busy cause I'm bored- and this might be also short but I hope you'll still gonna enjoy this chapter♡♡

Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

"Can I talk to you Zami?" Toshi said as I froze after he said that-.


"No no no not the word of please-" I said to my thoughts

"Please Amy... I really need to talk to you..." He said as I sigh.

"Can you... Remove your hand around my shoulder? Then we can talk..." I said.

"Oh sorry..." As he removed his hands on my shoulder.

"So... What do you want to talk about?"



"I want to meet Aly..." He said as I saw his eyes like he really mean it...

"Wow that's the first time I saw his eyes like he really mean it..."

I remain silent same with him.

"I'll think about it..." I said...


"I'll be going now... My little sister is waiting me..." As I waved at him and grabbed the bag on the floor that I buy as I went outside and saw Kyouka and Kenji talking.


"Ahh nee-san... You took so long..."

"Sorry about that... Ah hello Kenji... Wanna come to our house for awhile?"

As I saw Kenji nod and we went to my house... We are finally at our house and I grabbed my keys and insert it on the keyhole and the door open..

We went inside and remove our shoes as expected Ryuu and Aly are sleeping on the couch as I smiled at it.

~Time skip~

Akutagawa's P.O.V:

I woke up and saw Aly still sleeping on my arm as I saw Jinko on the other side of the couch thinking something (?)

I got up slowly and remove my arms so that I can move easily.

"Ah Ryuu your awake..."

And I nod...

"Okay..." She said as she went back something...

I stand up and go to the kitchen to drink some water cause my throat is dry.

"Ugh.. fuck it!"I hear Jinko swear

"Anything wrong love?" I asked...

"Nothing is just..."


"...Toshi want to meet Aly..."

The silent went out of nowhere as I went to her.


"I don't know he just push me to a random place and told me he wanted to meet Aly..."

I went silent and think...

"Then why won't you let him and Aly meet?" U said without thinking...

"I want to but at the same time I'm scared..."


"I don't know why I'm scared that Aly met her biological dad... It's not her fault I got r@pe..." She said.

"I know that love... But try to meet this two? So also knows who's her biological dad..." I said again without thinking.

"Yeah your right... I should meet Aly and her dad..." She said as she looked at Aly...

As I smiled at them.

And the door open to saw Jinko's older brother and made Aly wake up.


"I- brother... You just wake her up..."


~Time skip again🥲~

Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

It's been 2 weeks since I met Toshi again and I decided to meet him along with Aly and of course my brother and Ryuu...

And 10 minutes as past Toshi is finally here.

"Toshi!" I said waving at him.

"Za-Amy!" He said back avoiding to say that nickname.

"Your 30 minutes late..."


"It's fine anyway...you said you wanted to meet Aly right?"

As he nod.

"Well my boyfriend and my brother will be here in a minute they just buy something..."

"Alright... Oh yeah..." He grabbed something on his pocket and saw a white tiger keychain..

"White tiger keychain?" And he nod again.

"Well actually I buy this 7 months ago when the time we met again... And I kinda want to give it to Aly for some reason..." He said.

"Oh... well your lucky that you buy a white tiger keychain cause it's her favorite animal" as I smiled at him as he smiled awkwardly.

"Amy~!" I heard my brother calling my name as I looked back to see them eating some snacks. As Aly went to me and I carried her.

"Aly I want you to meet someone..."

"Who is it mommy?" She asked me confused but at the same time excited.

"Turn around..." She she did turn her around..

"Toshi meet Alicia but call her Aly..."

As I exhale...

"Aly meet Toshi... Your father..."

The next chapter probably will be Toshi and Azami's Past.


"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now