"I love you too..."

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Atsushi/Azami's P. O. V:

I was surprised when Ryuu asked me if he can take me on a date, I smiled at him.

"Yeah sure, let's leave Aly to my brother so that they have a bonding together..."

He chuckled and kiss my forehead in the second time...

"Okay, you can have one of my long sleeves now"

He stands up to get some one of his long sleeves as I followed him.. he gave me his black long sleeves as I grabbed them and went to the bathroom to change.

After I change I looked at the oversized long sleeves and I sniff his scents in the long sleeves..

"Smells sweet blood but he's scent makes me calm..." After sniffing his long sleeves I went out to the bathroom and I saw Ryuu reading some books...

"What is that book?"

"Portrait of hell..."

"Wow that's dark-"

"Yup it's pretty dark..."

A/N:The Portrait of hell was made by Ryunōsuke Akutagawa and the story is pretty dark I didn't read it yet but I watch the Bungou to Alchemist and that's how I discovered Portrait of hell and the story is pretty dark... Anyway back to the story!

"What took you so long at the bathroom I wanted to cuddle you right now..."

"Oh... I was just sniffing your scent..." He stopped looking at his book and he looked at me I was blushing so hard as he smirk and went back to his book..

"How do I smell like?"

"Like a sweet blood but your scent makes me calm so I don't mind..."I said while sitting on the bed carefully not trying to wake up Aly...

"Okay..." He said has he put down his book and went to my direction.

"Come on I want my cuddle now"

I giggled and I moved myself little to save some space for him as he layed down besides me snd he wrap is arms around my waist...

"Good night Ryuu..."

"Good night..." He said while yawing...

~The next day~

Akutagawa's P.O.V:

I woke while cuddling Jinko still sleeping peacefully, I put my head to Jinko's neck carefully not trying to wake her up I closed my eyes for a little as I feel someone sit up and I opened my eyes to found out it was Aly...



We stare for a minute in a silent as I remove my head to jinko's neck I walked to the other side to carry Aly.

"Good morning you little blueberry eyes" I said while grabbing her

"Good morning" She said and she put her head on my shoulder..

"You want some milk?" I said.

She nodded to my shoulder and I smiled at her movement..

"Let's not wake up mommy okay?"

"Okay..." She said kinda sleepy..

I went to the kitchen and I put Aly to the chair as she rub her sleepy eyes.

As I prepare Aly's milk someone went to the kitchen.

"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now