"Jinko..." + the wedding day and the final chapter

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Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

the day has finally come... the day were me and Ryuu gonna married and I'm kinda nervous ...

I was in a room wearing my wedding gown and I'm really nervous I tried to calm myself down but I could not calm myself down as someone came to my room to see Harumi. 

"hey... are you okay?" Harumi asked me as I nod and I sat down to the bed and looking at my fingers.

"No your not... you're looking at your fingers..." Harumi said again as she sat next to me.

"does something bothering you?" 

"No... is just that I'm nervous..." I said as I saw Harumi smiled as she grabbed my hands.

"I'm just like you when I'm marring Osamu..." 

"Your nervous when your marring Dazai-san?" I asked her and she nod 

"But I didn't see it...How?"

"I just be myself and forgot negative things... So just be yourself and forget negative things Amy..." Harumi said as she smiled at me and I smiled back as we hug.

"Your grown up Amy... back in the orphanage your basically crying to me..." As she giggled 

"hmph" I said as I also giggled as someone came to my room again.

"Mom are you ready now?" Aly said as I nod. 

as I nod 

"Alright I'm going back to uncle Gojo" As Aly closed the door as I let out a breath.

"Let's go?" Harumi said as I nod and smiled at her again. 

~Time skip~

Akutagawa's P.O.V:

I'm at the church waiting for my bride to came and finally she's here... She's walking to the aisles with her brother...

As she here standing in front of me with a beautiful dress...

"Your so beautiful in white..." I said to my thoughts as we went to the priest...

As the priest started to speak.

As Jinko face to me.

"Azami Nakajima do you accept Ryunōsuke Akutagawa to be your beloved husband." The priest said.

"I do" Jinko said.

"Ryunōsuke Akutagawa do you accept Azami Nakajima to be your beloved wife."

"I do." I said.

"You may now kissed the bride"

I remove Jinko's (I actually forgot what that called I'm so sorry-) as I kissed her and she kissed back.

As everyone is clapping as I pulled back and put my forehead to her forehead.

"I love you Ryuu..."

"I love you too..."

"And that's your grandparents love story!" Aly said to her kid.

"Whoa! Their love story is sooo cool!" Aly's kid said.

As Aly chuckled

"I know right?" As Aly's kid nod.

"Nee-san! Let's go~! I'm hungry!" Emiko said.

"Yeah same!>:/" Zen said.

"Coming!" Aly said to her siblings.

"Go to your dad I'll talk to tour grandparents oki?" Aly said as her kid nod and went back to Aly's husband.

"Hey mom and dad!... How are you two? Hope you guys are doing fine! And yes this lately is so tiring... Being a mom and being a teacher... But I enjoy it! I enjoy being a wife, a teacher and a mom!..."

"Alicia!" Zen shouted.

"I'LL BE THERE IN A SECOND!" Aly shouted back as she chucked.

"Well I'll be leaving now mom and Dad..." As Aly stand up.

"Have a safe trip to heaven mom and dad..." And Aly left the cemetery...

Thanks for reading!♡
And thank you the 1.02k views!

"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now