"When are you two getting married?"

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Atsushi/Azami's P. O. V:

I woke up with a comfy and a soft cuddle as I face at my back and saw Ryuu still sleeping while cuddling me and I also feel a comfortable clothes cause last night mine aren't.

I slowly stand up slowly not waking up Ryuu and I succeed! I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my long hair..

Akutagawa's P. O. V:

I felt someone is moving as my eyes half pretending still sleeping and I saw jinko who is trying to stand up and I let her be even I know she's going to the bathroom to fix her self.

As she went to the bathroom I opened my eyes full and I sigh.

"Today we're finally going back to Yokohama with her brother..." I said to my thoughts has I heard the bathroom door open and jinko went to the bedroom and she even didn't notice that I was awake already cause she humming,
I just watched jinko and she took a piece of clothing.

"Looking for something?" I asked her as she jumped like a cat.

"R-Ryuu your awake..."

"Yes I'am"


"Since your about go to the bathroom.."


"Well how about my question?"

"Ahahaha I was just picking some topper wear cause I forgot to bring one.. "

"but your already wearing one?" As I pointed her fitted undershirt.

"Well... "

"Is that my black hoodie?"


*Sigh* "okay you can have my black hoodie but I want my kisses"

She looked at me as she slowly go from my direction and she suddenly jump on me to hug me and give me a kiss.

~After they kiss aka making out-~


fter we make out jinko who is laying down on the bed catching some breath while holding my hoodie.

I chuckled a bit "Come one wear some proper shorts we're going get Aly and Brother. You can wear my hoodie."

She nod and stand up.

"I-I didn't k-know your a g-good kisser-"

*giggled* "Well... Only for you~" I said teasing her and she got flustered and started hitting me

When we got to the building Jinko knock at the door as her brother opened it.

"You two finally here!" Her brother said..

"Yup where's Aly?  Jinko asked and her brother pointed Aly on his legs.

"So I guess you two get along..."

"Yup!" Aly said.

"Come on let's go before we miss the train." I said as they nod.

~Time skip: When they get back to Yokohama.~


hird person P.O.V:

When they got to the Yokohama they went to Atsushi/Azami's house first to get there stuffs in there..

"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now