"I like you... Azami-san"

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Azami/Atsushi's P.O.V:

I froze when Akutagawa said who's the boy the picture frame...
And I began to speak...

"O-oh... He's my brother... He's the one who died in the orphanage"


I almost cried again...

"Do you still remember his last words to you?"

"No... He doesn't say anything... "

"oh.. "

"but don't worry I'm perfectly fine now!" I said and put a fake smile...


I sigh and the silent began the room...

Akutagawa's P.O.V:

The silent began and I was thinking how should get rid of the uncomfortable silence until she spoke up...

"So what do you talk about with Dazai-san?"

"Oh he said we have a mission in Tokyo and you he said you can being Aly because we will be staying for days for sure.." I said and she nodded

"Or my mission..."

"I'm surprised that Dazai-san tell us about our mission this time he rarely kidnapped us if we had a mission together" she sipping some cup of tea..

"Yeah it's very rare" I said while looking at the tea..

"And oh yeah when we leave?"

"At 3 days from now"

"Oh okay...you can stay for tonight again it's already 11:00 p.m tho.."

"okay..Thank you" I said

"No problem"

We talk for minutes and I'm enjoying it my enemy before and now wishing that to love, and marry her...

It's been 2 hours since we talk to be honest we didn't talk we watched Cloud Atlas..

(A/N:If y'all hurting rn because of the movie of "cloud Atlas" so do I..😃 now back to the story)

As I felt a head laying down at my shoulder and I saw Jinko who is now sleeping at my shoulder..

"Cute" I said to my thoughts

I slowly remove Jinko's head to my shoulder cause I'm turning off the tv because my eyes are getting heavier... after I turned off the tv I carried jinko to bridal style...She...so peacefully sleeping I observe her face and she's so damn pretty... she's more pretty more than Higuchi who is obsessed to me...

I went upstairs still carrying jinko and I opened her bedroom door and I put her down slowly...I was about to go to the guest room when suddenly jinko spoke up..

"I love you..." She said I don't know who she calling "I love you" but it made my heart broken and happy in the same time...

"Probably her brother.." I said to my thoughts and I went out to the her bedroom and closed the door slowly and gently...I sigh and went to the guest room..

~The next day~

Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

I woke and I found myself laying down on my bed and I immediately stand up because of my dream...

"What the fuck was that dream??...why d-do I dream about that me and Akutagawa doing-" before I continue my thoughts I put my face on the pillow and scream..

"Now how I face to Akutagawa right now?" I said to my thoughts..I sigh calming myself I stand up and I check the guest room and saw Akutagawa still sleeping...

"Phew he's still sleeping" the I shut the door slowly and went to Aly's room..

~Breakfast time~

I prepare breakfast just the three of us cause Kyouka didn't come home she spend her night at her crush's apartment..

(A/N:Yeah I ship Kyouka x Kenji but don't worry I don't do anything stupid! Anyway on the story!)

As I saw Akutagawa wearing his casual clothes...

"Good morning Akutagawa..."

"Morning" he said and I saw Aly running towards to him to carry her as Akutagawa kindly accept carrying her...I smiled at this cuteness as I finished preparing the breakfast.

"Okay you two breakfast is ready" I said and they sit down...

~After breakfast~

We are finished eating breakfast, Aly and Akutagawa is playing as I cleaning the kitchen... As I finished cleaning the kitchen and I sit down to the couch and I hear a my ringtone rang...


T:hey! Uh..are you free later at 9:00 A.M?

As I read the text then I suddenly looked at the clock..

8:50 A.M

And I texted back..

A:Yeah I'am..

T:Great!..then see you in ten minutes then! And meet me at Cherry blossom tree!

A:Alright I'll see you Tanizaki-kun..

After I send that text..I went upstairs and knocked at the pink door...and it opened to see Akutagawa...


"Akutagawa..uhm can you look at Aly I need to see one of my coworkers.."

"Yeah sure I can.."

"Well thanks..then I'll see you later!"

"See you!"

~In exactly 9:00 a.m~

As I went to the Cherry blossom tree which is my favorite tree and I saw a ginger hair..


"Azami!" He said

"So do you need something?" I ask him..

"Not exactly..just gonna say something to you.." he said while blushing (?)

"Oh?...what is it?" I asked him in confused face..

He let a breath out then he spoke up..

"I like you.. Azami-kun..."


"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now