"Can I take you on a date tommorow?"

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Gojo's P. O. V:

As I hugged my little sister... I miss her, her scents, her soft skin, her voice, everything... I miss her... As she finally realized who am I...


"Yes... It's me..."


"I'll tell you later... But thanks goodness your finally out to that orphanage...and you escape from Toshi..." I said while pulling out the hug...


She was silent and she couldn't look at me she just look at the black haired dude...and I also recognize the girl that has the same hair color has Amy...

"Amy?, Wh-what's going on?..." I ask my sister


Amy called that girl that has the same hair hers...

"Brother...This is Alicia but her Aly and She is my daughter..."


I was speechless and I couldn't talk and I look at the black haired dude...I went to him...



"Sir I-"

" Brother he's not the father..."

"Eh? Then who is-"

"I'm her Boyfriend Sir..."

(A/N:Just imagine Gojo funniest faces in anime-"

"Hm... Let's countinute talking come on..."

As we sat down...

"So Amy who's the father of my niece?"


"I won't be mad I promise besides we just met after 11 years..."

She exhale deeply and she began to speak...

"I-it's T-Toshi..."

Gojo: "..."

Atsushi/Azami: "..."

Akutagawa and Aly: ";-;?"

"Oooookay.... Anyway can you let my niece sit next to me?"

"Y-yeah sure..."

As my niece sat next to me I ordered some strawberry shortcake for her and it's only take 3 minutes for the cake as that my niece eat and enjoying it and I smiled at her.

"So... How do you two started dating?, Where did you met?, And will will you accept my niece will you love my niece and my little sister uh-?"

Akutagawa's P. O. V:

So I'm nervous that I'm meeting Jinko's brother...

"Ryunōsuke Akutagawa sir..."

"Okay... Akutagawa..."



A/N: it's up to you how Akutagawa will explain it my imagination won't find any-🥲

" Oh well then...I hope you will do and keep your promise..."

"Y-yes sir..."

As that I look at Jinko who is smiling at me and I smiled back...

~Time skip~

Atsushi/Azami's P. O. V:

We're already at the hotel and it's already 11:45 p.m Aly is sleeping now and Akutagawa put her on the bed.

After Ryuu put Aly on the bed and Ryuu went to the kitchen as I followed and particularly hugged him...

"Hm? Need something?"

I nodded

"What is it?"

"Can I?"


"Can I barrow some of your long sleeves?"

Ryuu hold my cheeks and we made an eye contact and he smirk..

"You can barrow one of my long sleeves but give some kiss first"

"Eh?" I sigh and I remove his hand to not touch my cheeks so I could kiss him, I crashed my lips on his soft lips as he kisse back.

We are like that for a 30 seconds as I pulled back; and we hand an eye contact as he kiss me on my forehead...



"Can I take you on a date tommorow?"

A/N:Hello there my fellow readers! I tried to post another chapter of this story cause like I said in the last chapter that I was too busy for school and I wasn't able to post so ye—I tried to today so I hope to see y'all to the next chapter!

"...Can I just be..."



"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now