"who's that boy in that picture frame?"

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A/N:I change my name in this account and I add a little bit of my user name and I delete the announcement chapter because my mom has a Wattpad and she didn't know my wattpad account but she supposed to follow me but I didn't give her yet and maybe she might read my fanfiction.. So yeah anyway on the story!

Akutagawa's P.O.V:

As I woke up I can feel a soft and comfortable bed and I only remember that I sleep in the couch with Aly l...As I stand up I realized I was in Guest room..and someone knocking on the door

"Come in"

As the door open and I saw jinko..

"Ohayo, Akutagawa"

"Oh...Good morning"

"Do..you..have work today?" She asked me..

"What date is it today?"


"Ah...no it's my day off...why?" I asked her

"Well Dazai-san wanted to talk to you.." She said

I was shocked that Dazai-san wanted to talk to me...Is he gonna tell me something?

"Is Aly coming?" I asked her

"Well yes Dazai-san wanted to see her too.."

"Oh okay.."

"Anyway breakfast is ready and I let you borrow my brother's clothes that I brought from the orphanage"

"You.. still have your brother's clothes?"

"Well yes I wear them sometimes"


"Well I let's go downstairs Aly is waiting for you" Jinko said

I nodded and stand up and went to the door as I close the door Jinko spoke up..

"Sorry for bringing you to the guest room even you look comfortable at that couch"

"It's fine...how do you even bring me to the guest room?" I asked


As jinko explain everything it makes me kinda smile(?)..

" So yeah that's what happened"

" Well thank you" I said and she smiled at me and it made my heartbeat racing.

"cute" I said..

"uhh thank you?" As jinko said " thank you" it made me blush and flustered..as she laughed at my creation and I laughed nervously.

"Come on let's eat some breakfast"

Time skip:After breakfast

Atsushi/Azami's P.O.V:

After we ate breakfast me and Akutagawa went to my bedroom to give some clothes for Akutagawa...I was finding some clothes for Akutagawa he spoke

"You have a nice bedroom"

"Thank you"

As I finally found a long sleeve..I'm suposed to gave him a full body clothes but I remember I only had a long sleeves

"here you go...I only had long sleeves..."

"It's fine..besides I had my pants"

"oh okay..." I gave him a smile

"uhm..can I change here? Kyouka probably using the restroom"

"yeah sure why not"

He stand up to change and I'm just watching him changing and...I didn't know he's hot...the abs he has...and the muscle..

"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now