"mommy is he my daddy?"

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Akutagawa's P.O.V:

"WAIT YOUR ACTUALLY A GIRL?!"I said in realization

"yes she is" he said while smirking at me..

"you know what..."jinko said 

Jinko walked towards me and grab my arm and we went to the empty room.

"it's been 2 months since our bet right?"Jinko said like she was about kill that boy

"yeah?"I said on confusion 

"we will just gonna break our bet for today and at this time"

I was so confused what is she telling until I realize..

"You want me to kill him?"

"yes so pl-"

"Eh you don't have to kill me..I just want that envelop that your holding Zami and I will give some words to that emo boy"

I was to speak for not telling me emo until jinko speak up..

"Can you stop calling him emo?"

"And why would I do that?" he said while smirking again..

"fuck it I don't have any choice.." Jinko said in silent but I can hear her

"Because he's Alicia's new father.." she said while facing at me like a normal face but her eyes is asking for help..


After I said that I can feel my face burning while facing Akutagawa and asking for some help then that idiot speak up...

"oh I guess your married at the age of 18 years old..."

"She's my fiance"

As I heard the word "fiance" it let my heart skip in a beat 

"oh..uhm..can I just take the envelope?"

"I thought you're gonna to him?" I asked him

"Ahh actually I...uh...thought he's the person I've been looking for.."

"okay?"Akutaagawa said 

"well I need to get going then sorry for making some trouble and the bomb" he said and he bow and left.

I let out a breath that finally he's gonna leave and someone talk..

"mind explaining who is he and uhh"

"Alicia...alright I'll tell you but let's go to the cafe first I want Mochi" 

Tine skip:at the cafe.

Akutagawa's P.O.V:

We went to the cafe and Jinko called the waitress..

"Hi welcome the cafe! how may I help you ma'am and sir?" the waitress said..

But the waitress seems to be alike like Dazai-san...she has a curly long brown hair and a dark blue eyes like Chuuya-san's eye color..

"Oh hi can I have some green tea mochi and a tea please"

"okay...how about you sir?" the waitress asked me..

"I'll just have a black coffee but no sugar please..thank you"

"okay your order will be here in 15 minutes thank you..."

"Thank you" Jinko said..

after the waitress left the awkward silence began...we stay quiet for almost 3 minutes to that awkward silence until jinko spoke up..

Atsushi\Azami's P.O.V:

The silence is making me uncomfortable until I remember what Akutagawa said while we are still at the abounded hospital and I began to speak..

"so you are asking me who is that boy and Alicia right?"

he nodded...I sigh and continue to speak...

"That boy name Toshi Takahashi...we grew up in the same orphanage with my brother.."

"oh and Alicia?"

"Alicia is my daughter"I said looking at my hands..

"oh..how do you get pregnant then?" he asked concerned(?)

"I was r@pe by him.."

"how old is your brother when he died?"

"he's 17 years old and I'm only 7 years old..."


before I could continue the waitress is already here..

"here you go ma'am and sir one green tea mochi,and  tea, and lastly one black coffee with no no sugar..enjoy!"

we both say Thank you and I took a sip of my tea to calm myself...

"so..how old is your daughter?"

"she's 3 years old"

"so you got pregnant at the age 15 years old?..."


"he what?"

"he r@pe me for 2 years.."

he almost spill his coffee and look at me in shock"

"He r@pe me for 2 years and when one of the oldest kids in the orphanage see that boy is r@ping me he saved me from me...and then the next day he got kicked out of the orphanage and I was feeling sick then one day I found I was pregnant..."

"sorry for hearing that..." he said with an emotion..

"no,no,no at all it's okay besides I'm already move to that.." I said and put a fake smile on it..

"if you said so..."

I sigh at pick some of the mochi that I order and it was good it makes my mood to happy like I didn't tell Akutagawa about my pass and I didn't see that idiot...

after our snacks I asked Akutagawa if he can stay for the dinner tonight besides it's already 5:00 p.m and it's my shift is already done same as him...We went a little shopping for the dinner and we went to my house as we passed by the ADA apartment he suddenly ask..

"Isn't this the ADA apartment?" he said 

"yeah but I don't live there I live somewhere else"

"oh okay.."

As we continue to walk after 5 minutes walk I knocked the door Kyouka-chan open it and my little bean run towards me...


"hello my little so hows your day?" I asked her while grabbing her.

"Kinda boring" she said while hugging me and looked at Akutagawa..

"Mommy who is he?" she asked and I looked at Akutagawa.

"AHH..he is_"  was cut off when she spoke up..

"Mommy is he my daddy?"

to be continued.


"Jinko..." (Ryunōsuke Akutagawa × Fem! Atsushi Nakajima )Where stories live. Discover now