This has to be said...

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Hello younglings. Author speaking.

So last week I received a not so pleasant comment from a... special person. 🤓 In return I reported them for harassment. They're also muted from my account. Now I don't mind if you send not so pleasant comments towards myself, as I find them hilarious, but what you'll not do is send unnecessary hate towards idols. I do not condone such disgusting behavior. Even if what an idol has done has also not been nice.

If you do not like the idols I mention in this book then kindly keep your unnecessary, dumb, useless, pointless, opinions to yourself. As I don't give a crap about how you feel about the idol. The idol is simply a character in this book. You wanna send hate then go talk to a wall.

No idol is perfect, most, if not all, have a past. So never look at the idol you support and say/think "they don't have a bad past". You do not know these idols personally so therefore you do not know who they really are.

With that being said. Enjoy! And support the idols you want, but never lose sight of the fact that these idols can, have, and will do wrong, they're human just like us. They aren't perfect. And neither are you or anyone else for that matter.

Kitten [] Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now