Opposites Attract (Setsukado/Setsuka Chiebukuro x Mikado Sannoji)

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Sidebloggable Prompt: "Hugging"

Tumblr Prompt: https://otpprompts.tumblr.com/post/693753175549870080/person-a-is-making-pancakes-person-b-comes-up/amp

"Person A is making pancakes. Person B comes up behind them for a hug right as they go to flip the pancake and they end up flipping it right at Person B. They both laugh it off but Person B makes sure to ask Person A if they're making pancakes whenever they want to go for a back hug while Person A is in the kitchen."


Hope's Peak Academy had no set schedule - that is, if you weren't attending class in the first place. Classes were not mandatory at all, so students of the academy could sleep in and skip classes. As long as they honed their talent and passed the practical exams, they would graduate easily.

This also meant that they could sleep in for as long as they wanted too, far unlike their previous lives of attending regular schools. There was no pressure for students beginning or ending their school years, and even the laziest of Ultimates could graduate and be set for life.

Setsuka Chiebukuro often slept in since she practiced a lot when she was awake, the billiards player wanted to be able to preform her talent well without the use of her Devil's Eye. Ever since she ended up nearly losing to Sora without it, Setsuka was often in the rec room trying to improve her skills at what she considered just a hobby.

The task of doing the same thing and trying to do better over and over was mentally draining, and combined with the daily exercise she did to keep herself fit and improve her strength, she came back to her dorm exhausted. Luckily for her, there was always someone waiting for her there.

Setsuka never believed in the phrase 'opposites attract' - except for in science with protons and electrons, she remembered that - but she never thought the phrase meaning in romance was possible until she met Mikado Sannoji, the Ultimate Wizard.

In a few ways, they were similar: they both were playful and loved being around their classmates, even causing mischief out of fun. But though Mikado was often left out of things because of his lack of social skills, his chaos and his despair balanced out Setsuka's order and hope. Plus, he was smart and was good with domestic work, which was always a good thing.

They began dating each other as a joke at first, seeing what being in a relationship would be like and pretending to be loving partners. Over time, their little game became more genuine, and Setsuka fell in love while Mikado added her to his obsessions. They soon moved into the same dorm together.

While Setsuka slept in most days, Mikado always got up at the break of dawn to prepare breakfast for the two of them. Whenever the billiards player woke up, she was greeted by the smell of good food and would go and get her share.

This time, she didn't sleep in nor wake up fairly early, but she woke up in time to hear something sizzling on the stove. The billiards player decided to run a brush through her messy bedhead before she went out to see what was happening.

As she had heard, Mikado was at the stove and cooking breakfast in a pan. She smiled as she saw finished pancakes on a plate beside the stove, and was already excited for breakfast to come. But she wanted to tease the wizard first, and quietly began walking up behind him.

Mikado was busy humming a soft tune and shaking the pan to see if the pancake was moving enough inside to be finished. As he got ready to flip the pancakes, he suddenly felt something wrapping around his waist from behind. Letting out a little yelp, he misjudged his flip and ended up launching the pancake towards his shoulder.

Setsuka did not expect to be hit in the face with a pancake this morning, but at least she hadn't put on any makeup yet. She began laughing as the pancake fell off and was caught by the wizard, and he put it on the plate with the other finished pancakes before looking at her.

"Oh, I didn't see you at all! Don't sneak up like that!" he whined, but he didn't move her arms or tell her to go away. "You usually don't wake up this early."

"Well, I guess I smelled something good and got up," Setsuka giggled. "But I guess I should make you aware of my presence before get another pancake to the face, huh?"

"Really, that was not my intention..." 

Mikado's complaint was ignored as her hold on his waist was slightly adjusted to be more comfortable. "So, it looks like breakfast is almost ready. Should I go set the table?" she asked him. "Or should I stay here?"

"The table is already set," was the wizard's immediately answer, though he added, "...Do as you please."

The billiards player took that as permission to stay right where she was, holding the wizard as he finished cooking breakfast. He didn't flip anymore pancakes at her face, but she had to stand up on her toes to properly look over his shoulder and watch.

After Mikado had made a pancake with the last of the batter, he put it on top of the pile and walked out of her arms. They both went to their table and sat down, with the blonde placing the plate of pancakes in front of them.

"It's a nice morning, the sun is shining and the temperature's warm," Setsuka remarked, putting a few pancakes on her plate. "I think I'm just going to work out all day, maybe stop by the pool if I can."

"I'm doing nothing for today, I was thinking of finishing the laundry and then meditating afterwards. But when you finish your exercise, could you message me when you're going to the pool? I want to go too!" Mikado requested, a happy expression painted on his mask.

Setsuka looked at him with an exhausted but knowing expression. "You just want to stare at me in my bikini, don't you?"

"Fufu...am I that predictable?" the wizard questioned, serving himself some pancakes and taking the syrup from the girl. "Well, it's not like you're not used to people staring, are you?"

Setsuka sighed and shook her head, letting out a chuckle as she cut a piece of her pancake into a suitable size. Even if their states of order and chaos were warped from their experiences, they kept each other balanced and sane through their actions.

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