New Employment (Sannokaga/Mikado Sannoji x Yuri Kagarin)

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Sidebloggable Prompt: "Shopping"

Tumblr Prompt:

"Person A follows around Person B while they're shopping. They love to watch Person B picking out and trying on new clothes until B wants them to find something and starts picking out outfits for A and making them try them on and show them."

Warning: spoilers for chapter 6 and the bad ending


Mikado didn't know why he created his first miracle this early in his rebirth. But as he watched one of the capsules in the laboratory begin to open, he was too interested to turn back now. Mikado giggled in amusement as the person inside sat up.

"Good evening, Mr. Kagarin," he purred, watching the head of the Kagarin Conglomerate sit up and look around in confusion. "I suppose the time flow of the Neo World Program compared to the real world left your body in a dying state rather than outright killing you, hence why you could be revived."

Within the virtual world, the two of them knew each other as the Ultimate Spaceman and the Ultimate Wizard. Of course, their Ultimate talents were just a fabrication made by Mikado himself to imitate Utsuro's killing game and bring him back.

In reality, Yuri was the head of his family's corporate empire, and Mikado was an Alter Ego AI that tricked everyone. Mikado escaped to the outside world in Akane Taira's body, and after he massacred the Security Division, he decided to wake someone up for some company.

"My dear Sora, is that you?" Yuri asked, but then frowned. "No, that manner of speaking... Are you Mikado Sannoji?"

Mikado smiled and knelt down to Yuri's eye level. "Don't worry, the game is over now. How about I fill you in on what you missed?"

The spaceman waited patiently as the Alter Ego retold the events of the killing game, thought it was clear he wasn't happy at the outcome. But even so, he was coming up with an idea. One that would help contain the evil that was unleashed from the virtual world.

"Hm. After that tragic tale, I suppose you have nothing planned for when you actually got to the real world, do you?" Yuri questioned, and began to smile. "Say, why not take up the proposition I made before?"


Many people didn't make it off the Isle of Nowhere, but the Kagarin Estate had two people who came back alive. Yuri had returned safely from a kidnapping once more, along with a white-haired waif with an inhuman appearance.

Mikado made himself at home in the kitchen, where everything he cooked came out perfectly thanks to his Divine Luck. Today, his corn bread was taken out of the oven, cut into slices, and placed on a platter next to a bowl of potato and bacon soup. Mikado took the platter from the counter and left the kitchen.

Yuri was in his office filling out paperwork, but he stopped when he noticed Mikado arrive. "Greetings. Is that lunch?" he asked as the Alter Ego set the platter in front of him. "It looks delicious, thank you. How are you adjusting to your new job?"

"The kitchen is rather homely, and sleeping under those blankets in the servants' quarters is a lot comfier than floating in code. So I believe I'm adjusting well," Mikado answered. "Trying to cook new recipes is fun, your place has a lot of cookbooks!"

"That's good to hear," Yuri replied with a smile. His plan was working perfectly, and the Alter Ego didn't suspect anything. The former spaceman knew just how dangerous it was to have Mikado running around unchecked, so as long as Mikado didn't have the desire to leave or get bored, then no one else would die.

"Now that I think about it, I'm heading shopping for clothes later. Or more accurately, I'm looking for fancy-looking ones to get tailored to my size," he mentioned, then blew on his soup a bit to cool it down. "Why not come along? I'm sure there's something nice in your size better than a tattered hospital gown.."

Mikado tilted his head a bit. "I suppose, if it'll kill time. Please excuse me now, I should go clean up the kitchen." He turned on his heels and left Yuri's office, allowing him to eat his soup in peace.

Hours later, Yuri had left the estate with Mikado to a high-end clothing store. While the former spaceman was interesting in looking for more suitable clothing, Mikado didn't particularly care as he browsed with him. 

"Oh, this one would look very nice!" Yuri's voice exclaimed, snapping Mikado out of his thoughts.

"Oh, did you find another one to take a picture of..." The Alter Ego's voice trailed off when he saw Yuri holding a maid dress. "...I don't think the media would be silent about that one."

"You misunderstand, this isn't for me," Yuri replied with a smile, still holding the dress. It took a few seconds for it to click, but Mikado's face fell when he realized what it was for.

With a sigh, he took the dress from Yuri. "I'll go try it on," he accepted, leaving Yuri's side to find the dressing rooms. While Mikado was otherwise occupied, Yuri continued searching for more outfits.

When Mikado came back out from the dressing room, his face slightly blushing while amused, Yuri smiled at how it turned out. "Magnificent! I knew it would look good on you," he remarked.

"Pfft, I suspect you brought me here just to put me in a maid outfit at this point," Mikado joked, checking himself out in the dress. "Not bad, though it is a little tight around the chest. This thing is so frilly though, haha!"

"Well, the tightness is nothing that can't be fixed, I'll have my tailors handle that part. In the meantime, there are a bunch of lovely dresses over here. Why not come over here and see what you fancy?" Yuri suggested, beckoning the Alter Ego over to another section. 

Mikado wanted to bring up that his code was modeled after a man's, his father, but he conceded and went over anyway. Gender conformity was a stupid human concept anyway, why should a being of code care? And he was in a woman's body anyway, he might as well look nice while he was at it.

The two of them stayed there all afternoon, and eventually went back to the Kagarin estate with several new outfits for Mikado and a lot of pictures of suits to tailor for Yuri.

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