Tied Up At The Moment (Sorayoruyuki/Sora x Yoruko Kabuya x Yuki Maeda)

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Sidebloggable Prompt: "Being Naughty"

Tumblr Prompt: https://otpprompts.tumblr.com/post/165318029174/person-a-comes-home-to-find-that-person-b/amp

"Person a comes home to find that person B accidentally got their hands tied together. B shamefully asks for help, while Person A is just laughing at the thought of them accidentally tying their hands together. OT3 bonus: Turns out, person C was the one who tied A's hands."


Another day passing, another failed motive. At this rate, Monocrow was getting desperate while Mikado was starting to become a little more impatient. Yoruko could tell that easily, the wizard have been a lot tenser and avoiding the group a little more, aside from bringing their meals.

At this point, no one saw the point in trying to escape the island after spending ages with no clues. One of the motives was that there were four people working with Mikado, but they eventually betrayed him and told the group that escape was basically impossible. That's when the concept of a 'killing game' began to crumble.

Yoruko was worried that Monocrow or Mikado might try to force a killing one day, but for now, she was content to just continue with her attempt to adjust to living a normal life on Utsuroshima. That was all anyone could do, and their hopes in Teruya's promises that the foundation would save them were growing weaker.

Drying her hair with a small towel she had brought from her dorm, she continued her walk back onto the Monocruise and back to the aforementioned dorm. She had been invited to the swimming pool by the twins earlier, which she spent gossiping with them in the hot tub.

After ascending the many stairs and finishing with her hair, she arrived at her room and opened the door. Inside her dorm, she could see her velvet-red carpets, her fancy furniture adorning the room, and her two friends bickering on the couch.

Yuki had asked before she left if he could hide in her room while she was gone, since he wanted to hide from Shinji's training that day. Sora had invited herself inside regardless of permission, Yoruko couldn't say no to her. In the end, she had allowed them both to stay while she went to the pool.

But now that she was back, she noticed that Sora was snacking on a bag of chips, and Yuki's hands had been crudely tied up with a towel from the bathroom. She was unable to control her laughter at the sight, which caught the attention of her friends. 

"Oh, Ruko. Hello," Sora greeted, putting the chip bag beside her, on the opposite side of Yuki. The lucky student had an awkward smile on his face and waved at her with one of his hands, still bound at the wrists.

"Ahahaha! What happened here?!" the hostess laughing, walking further inside and sitting down on the free couch adjacent to the pair. "Yuki, how did you get into that position?! Did you accidentally tie yourself up?!"

"Well, not exactly..." he chuckled bashfully, averting his eyes from the embarrassment.

"I tied him up. He tried to steal my chips," Sora bluntly summarized. "I didn't think I had tied it that tight though."

"Well, I still can't get out on my own! How did you make a towel inescapable anyway?!" Yuki exclaimed, sending Yoruko into another fit of laughter.

After the hostess regained her breath, she moved closer to Yuki and grabbed his wrists, helping him to undo Sora's impromptu rope. Once his wrists were eventually freed, she sat back with a short laugh. "There, that should do it," she sighed as she tried to calm herself down.

"Serves you right," Sora joked, smiling as she stood up from the couch and went to put the chips behind the fake bar counter around the fridge. "Well, the chips weren't mine anyway-"

"Really now?!" 

"Alright, alright, settle down," Yoruko chuckled. "Don't get yourself all riled up about some chips, guys."

"Right," the lucky student reluctantly agreed with a nod as Sora quickly washed her hands in the bathroom. "So, any news around the island that we missed? You went to talk with the twins, right? Those two always seem to know lots of things that happen around here."

"So does everyone else. Word travels quickly, you know," Sora added, sitting back down. "So, what did you hear from the twins?"

"Not much... Setsuka's planning another party, but the Voids are being supervised this time, heh. Speaking of them, I think Kokoro grilled them for enough info to start making an escape plan," Yoruko recalled what she had heard. "Oh, and Monocrow apparently likes headpats."

"...What?" Sora spoke up. "Out of all things Hibiki could have shared-"

"Kanade said that she has a hypothesis about that, and I think she said she wanted to test and see if Mikado likes them too?"

"Oooookay, ignoring that bit," Yuki quickly interjected, "it's good that Kokoro's coming up with a plan for us to get out soon. We might be able to go home soon! I can't wait to see my mom again!"

"I'm more excited about that party of Setsuka's. I wonder where it'll be held this time? Certainly not in the same place as last time?" Sora asked.

"Well, she's thinking of an outdoor party in department A of the amusement park. If someone brings alcohol again, it's the safest option. ...Though you guys shouldn't be drinking in the first place," Yoruko huffed quietly with her last sentence.

"Maybe I should have some this time since this time is safer," Yuki pondered. "There's no one on Mikado's side anymore, there isn't much alcohol in the S-mart anyway, and there's a lot of open space too. The exits can be fenced off so the drunk and tipsy can't escape and hurt themselves though."

"Wow, look at you. Thinking like a leader," Sora teased, and Yuki's face grew red from embarrassment.

"A-Anyways, you guys want to head to department B and go on the pirate ship? I bet I can scream the loudest," Yoruko dared them, standing up on the couch.

"You're on," Sora accepted, smiling happily with a competitive tone.

"H-Hey, what happened to hiding me from Big Bro?!" Yuki protested as the girls went towards the door. "Hey, don't leave me behind!"

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